All Production & Trade articles – Page 1541
Floridian futures in the balance
Florida citrus producers are considering their futures in the industry, once the hurricane-devastated season draws to a close.
Del Monte in human rights rumpus
Del Monte is at the centre of a human rights row in Kenya, but has received the backing of the National Chamber of Commerce.
Chilean grape air rescue
The continuing delay in South African grape supply is forcing at least one UK retailer to pay a premium to airfreight fruit to meet demand.
Cox hits storage problems
The climatic problems of the summer are coming back to haunt Cox marketers.
English apple industry needs to take reality check
Adrian Barlow, chief executive of English Apples & Pears is not against the principle behind Bifga’s vision for the future of English top fruit (FPJ last week), but says that the realities of the UK and global marketplace need to be taken into account.
Dutch mushroom expansion
Dutch mushroom specialist Banken Mushrooms is in talks with CNC, a co-operative Dutch mushroom growers' association which produces compost and processes mushrooms.
Redbridge rolls out for school scheme
Redbridge is now sending fruit and vegetables to more than 4,000 schools across the UK.
ACP exports being marginalised
EU official tells trade meeting in Harare of increasing marginality of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries in international trade.
Florida's citrus crop even lower than forecast
Florida's orange and grapefruit crops, battered by the unprecedented string of hurricanes, are even smaller than first thought, crop forecasters have said.
UK government increases backing for fresh produce
The government has put more weight behind fruit and vegetables in its latest initiative to reduce childhood obesity and other health problems.
Consumers nut happy about Brazils
Food safety concerns regarding aflatoxin have put an end to imports of in-shell Brazil nuts into European member states including the UK.
Forex and oil pressures intensify
Forex and oil price movements are keeping fresh produce traders on their toes.
NFU appoints horticultural advisor
The NFU has appointed Dr Chris Hatfield as horticulture advisor on fruit, protected crops and ornamentals.
Chile ups ante with avos
Chilean avocado sendings to the UK are increasing and the season is expanding.
NIAB reports increase in pre-planting tests
Potato growers are increasingly sending their farm-saved seed potatoes to NIAB for testing prior to planting, according to the potato experts.
Rustler appoints product and technical director
Rustler Produce Ltd, part of the Produce World Group, and one of the UK’s premier suppliers of top quality onions and leeks, has announced the appointment of Jonathan Tole as its product and technical director.
Potato growers warned of breakdown
Potato experts at Cambridge-based NIAB, the UK independent plant science company, have warned growers to watch out for an increase in lenticel breakdown in their crop.
Mandar revamps its herb offer
Rungis wholesale group Mandar is revamping some of its well known product range, mostly its fresh herbs offer.
Produce leads the benchmarking game
Thirty per cent of farmers using benchmarking are fresh produce growers, according to a recent survey by the Food Chain Centre (FCC).
Sweetie good for the heart
People who eat the Israeli-developed citrus variety Sweetie, a cross between a grapefruit and a pomelo, or drink its juice regularly will be able to reduce their blood cholesterol and increase their blood antioxidant activity.