All Production & Trade articles – Page 1539
Elkind caps off pepper development
Israeli developers are hoping to lead the way in the race to develop new peppers, one of the hottest items on the global agriculture market.
Fyffes court case continues
The landmark €85m insider dealing civil case, being taken by Fyffes against DCC and its chief executive Jim Flavin, will continue in Ireland’s High Court today.
Gomez Reserv™ expands into grapes
Gomez has announced the launch of the latest product to join its Gomez Reserv™ range.
EurepGAP workshop set for Cologne
EurepGAP, the global partnership for safe and sustainable agriculture, is running a Train-the-Trainer Workshop on February 23-25, in Cologne.
Mexico lowers apple tariff
Washington apple producers are celebrating after Mexico agreed to drop steep anti-dumping tariffs on Northwest grown red and Golden Delicious apples.
Israeli avocado up
Israel's avocado yields this year will amount to 80,000 tonnes, compared with 50,000 tonnes last year.
Florida canker trouble
Florida agriculture officials have found further trees infected with citrus canker in the Ruskin area.
Grape producers look elsewhere
Australian table grape producers will be looking for new markets following the devastation caused by the tsunami in south Asia.
Bare shelves at Sainsbury's
Sainsbury’s is continuing to suffer from availability problems on fresh lines after a glitch left shelves bare in some of its London based convenience stores this week.
Web broker opportunity for African farmers
Independent fresh produce broker G2G has launched a website to generate exposure for smaller farms in Africa.
Industry supports victims
Fresh produce supplies from Asia into the UK are unlikely to be interrupted by the devastating effects of the tsunami and its aftermath across southern and south-east Asia.
Spanish citrus sector suffers
The Spanish citrus sector is suffering the worst season in its history, grower representatives said, with farm-gate prices below the cost of production and even marketers reporting a lack of profitability as retailers appear to be the only link in the chain to make gains.
NZ apple forecast unveiled
Industry body Pipfruit New Zealand has released its first official estimate for the 2005 NZ apple crop.
Kiwifruit fortunes improve
Prospects for the Italian kiwifruit season are getting better as the campaign progresses with a revised forecast suggesting volumes 27 per cent up on last season at 408,000 tonnes.
What you saw in 2004
Last week on freshinfo, we rounded up the stories most visited by you, our readers, in 2004. For those of you who missed the opportunity to look back on an eventful year, here they are again in one fell swoop.
Zim government plans to control hort marketing
The Zimbabwean government, desperately trying to strengthen its grip on foreign currency inflows, is mulling taking over the marketing of all horticultural products from early next year, according to the country’s The Financial Gazette.
Ariane rockets at M&S
Ariane - a new apple variety exclusive to M&S in the UK - has just been given consumers’ seal of approval through tastings at the top 30 M&S stores.
Riverford broadens organic box scheme's reach
Riverford Farm is franchising its organic vegetable box scheme to other parts of the country.
Aussies protest at imported workforce
A major union has called on the Australian federal government to block a move by a Victorian fruit board to import up to 10,000 fruit pickers from China.
Florida citrus industry accuses Brazil
Florida citrus growers and juicing companies have targeted four Brazilian exporters they accuse of applying unfair pricing policies.