All Production & Trade articles – Page 1537

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    Freight up for Eurotunnel


    Channel Tunnel bosses have reported an upsurge in rail freight during 2004 by eight per cent.

  • Gary Taylor lights up the cue sector

    VGN grows the winter cues


    A small-scale trial by Valley Grown Nurseries (VGN) at Nazeing has identified the opportunity to source home-grown cucumbers over the Christmas period as an added value product.

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    New lettuce technology for Israel


    Equipped with an imported patented technology, two Israeli cooperative settlements in the Arava Region are starting a novel agricultural enterprise: growing insect/pest/sand/pesticide-free lettuce.

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    Low cost option for Uganda


    Banana exporters who have been transporting produce by air to Europe are closely watching a trial shipment by land and sea via the Kenyan port of Mombasa that could spell lower costs.

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    Date put on global warming threat


    The threat of global warming to the world is being highlighted in a new report, which suggests the point of no return has almost been reached.

  • Florette re:signs to sponsor Re:fresh Awards

    Florette re:signs to sponsor Re:fresh Awards


    Florette UK, the UK's top-selling prepared salad and vegetable brand, will again be the lead sponsor of this year’s Re:fresh Awards.

  • JO Sims will now source a wide range of freeze dried indigenous tropical fruits including uchuva

    JO Sims expands into exotics


    JO Sims moves into the exotics arena.

  • Pesticide reference guides published

    Pesticide reference guides published


    The 2005 editions of The UK Pesticide Guide reference book and The e-UK Pesticide Guide, CD-ROM are now available.

  • Alto Adige apples protected against Chinese

    Alto Adige apples protected against Chinese


    The Italian media has reported that the EU is preparing to “recognise the Alto Adige apple in order to stop the invasion of "fake" apples from China carrying the same name”.

  • Skilled palmeros carry out the harveset in California's Coachella Valley

    California eyes dates to remember


    The California date industry is looking forward to an excellent season with volumes of fruit in the fresh market B category unusually outstripping processing-quality class C fruit.

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    FPC fights SPV proposal


    Changes to the Simplified Procedure Value (SPV) system for calculating import duty payments are likely during the course of 2005 and the proposal on the table offers significantly reduced coverag of the industry.

  • Fibreless variety Keitt is gaining in popularity in the UK

    Mango market depression


    At the changeover in seasons, Tommy Atkins prices are under pressure as UK mango tastes mature.

  • Capsicum is one of the lines to suffer most from cold Spanish weather

    Forecast for more cold in Spain


    More is yet to come in terms of cold weather hampering supplies in major Spanish growing regions.

  • Greenery UK director to leave

    Greenery UK director to leave


    Frans van der Burg will be released from his position as director of the UK business unit of the Greenery on February 1.

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    EU issues warning to food industry


    The EU has warned food companies to stop advertising junk food to children and give clearer indications on labels.

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    Food security, seriously


    In the run up to a likely UK general election later this year a farming think-tank is urging parties to give food security due consideration.

  • Sun World bought by investment group

    Sun World bought by investment group


    Investment group Black Diamond has purchased California-based grower-shipper Sun World International Inc.

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    Costa Rica rains continue


    Intermittent rainfall has continued in coastal Costa Rica following last week's floods as the country counts the cost to export crops.

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    New service for suppliers and retailers


    Specialist food and flower consultancy Practical Solutions International (PSI), has launched a new service for fresh produce suppliers and retailers.

  • Chile increases sendings to EU

    Chile increases sendings to EU


    The first four months of the 2004-05 season saw Chilean fresh fruit exports to Europe climb by 50 per cent.