All Production & Trade articles – Page 1536
Severe frost disrupts Spanish supplies
Crops in Spain are being severely affected by the worst winter to strike the south and east of the country in 20 years.
New banana regime proposed
The European Union formally proposed its new tariff-only banana import regime to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) this week.
Polytunnel battle hots up
A three-day hearing in Godalming, Surrey, this week, has the potential to change the face of UK horticulture.
Sun World appoints Unifrutti as grape marketer-licensee
Chilean fruit giant joins seven other distributors of Sun World varieties worldwide.
UK toms make early start
The UK tomato season has kicked off slightly early this year with growers cautiously optimistic for a better campaign than in 2004.
Chiquita's €564m claim chucked out by court
Chiquita Brands International Inc, the world's largest banana producer, has had a €564 million damages claim against regulators dismissed by the European Union's second-highest court.
Flavin's information "definitely" sensitive
The ongoing Fyffes insider dealing case continues, with expert witnesses giving evidence for the fruit giant.
Mushroom deal falls through
A takeover deal of Banken Champignons by the Dutch Co-operative Mushroom Growers Society (CNC) has fallen through.
EU deal with Israel takes effect
The arrangement between Israel and the EU regarding marking the origin of exports to the EU comes into effect from the beginning of this month (February).
China and Peru strike a deal
China has signed eight bilateral accords with Peru, including one aimed at setting export and import standards for Peruvian grapes and Chinese apples.
US opens up to Mexican avo exporters
Californian avocado growers launch strategy to challenge the increased threat from Mexican product in the US market, while the Mexicans weigh up their marketing options.
Residue-free UK apples?
A leading fruit grower said it is confident it will be able to offer residue-free English apples by next season.
Bramley supplies in peak condition
With Bramley Apple Week looming, marketeers are reporting stunning results with Smartfresh storage, while this year's promotion is proving a hit.
US cherry growers pull together
Californian cherry producers are considering pooling resources with their Northwest counterparts to boost promotional capabilities.
US targets EU fruit and veg for tariff rise
The US intends to raise tariffs on European fruit and vegetables in retaliation for higher EU tariffs on American brown rice. Tariffs will also be upped on cheese and spices.
South African heat takes its toll
The grape harvest is down on original forecasts, meanwhile the first pears arrive.
Bananas hit supply glitch
Fears of a banana price war among the major multiples resurfaced this week as Tesco and Sainsbury’s lowered prices in their value lines in response to Asda, while banana supply on the wholesale markets was the shortest it has been for nearly four years.
New standards for NZ top fruit
The top-fruit industry in New Zealand is setting new quality standards for its fruit in the up-coming season, in response to fears that quality has been compromised following the abandonment of single-desk marketing.
Waitrose claims first for UK cherry tomatoes
Waitrose is laying claim to being the first retailer to stock UK grown cherry tomatoes, from the Isle of Wight.
Year of the chervil
Agrexco's Michael Caddy believes 2005 could be the year chervil makes a comeback in the UK supermarkets.