All Production & Trade articles – Page 1535
Arab famers in the Golan Heights sell fruit to Syria
Arab farmers in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights have secured a new customer - Syria.
FTA takes record number of calls
The Freight Transport Association is taking a record number of calls from companies with queries about the Road Transport Directive.
NZ kiwifruit returns boost
A new consolidated supply arrangement hopes to increase returns to New Zealand kiwifruit growers.
Spanish citrus continues to suffer
More misfortune has been heaped on the citrus sector in Valencia as persistent rainfall at the end of last week prevented harvesting before giving way to hail storms on February 7 and 8.
Buyers charter reality within a month
A new voluntary Buyers' Charter between growers and supermarkets could be come a reality within a month.
Michigan apples fall
Apple production in Michigan is down, according to figures from the US Department of Agriculture and Michigan Statistical Office.
Government warns of climate change impact on growers
The government is calling on UK farmers to consider how they will cope with the effects of climate change.
Taste still tops consumer purchasing inluences
New research by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) that explored what makes consumers decide to buy fresh produce has found that taste remains the top purchase influencer.
Consider foodservice opportunities, says report
Growers can exploit the growth in meals taken out of the home by researching the opportunities that exist within the annual £30 billion foodservice market...
Row in Fyffes's court case
A row has broken out in the Irish High Court over whether Fyffes’s lawyers should have produced certain documents which DCC claims are crucial to its defence on the insider dealing accusations against it.
EC grants Sun World superior status
European Community grants Sun World Superior Seedless® trademark registration.
Greyfriars creates first pan-European mushroom company
An award winning mushroom producer has expanded into Poland to create a pan-European mushroom producer and marketing operation.
Study reveals importance of tree fruit to Washington
Tree fruit continues to be big business in Washington state, according to a new economic study by the Washington State Horticultural Association.
New evidence in Fyffes case
Evidence has been uncovered which it is alleged could damage Fyffes insider trading case against DCC and its chief executive Jim Flavin.
Hirst: horticulture will prove sustainability
The challenges the industry faces should be seen as an opportunity to prove its long-term viability, says the NFU's Richard Hirst.
Vinson rewarded for berry dedication
A leading fruit grower has been honoured for his years of dedication to the top and soft fruit industries.
Tesco’s Reid appointed IGD president
Tesco chairman, David Reid is the new president of the IGD.
UK seeks alternatives as Spanish freeze takes toll
It is a case of filling the gaps with fruit from other sources as supplies from Spain continue to be severely disrupted.
AVP cuts first cues
The Lea Valley has started its cucumber season already without the aid of artificial lighting systems
Apples can significantly increase lifespan
Russian scientists claim to have found a way to extend human lifespan in the country by 20-30 years. And it includes green and sour apples.