All Production & Trade articles – Page 1526
Spanish berries under attack
Spanish strawberry growers federation Freshuelva is warning that unfair competition with Morocco and China has placed Spanish production under serious threat.
Direct Labs in Eurofins link up
The UK food-supply chain is set to benefit from a major development in laboratory testing.
Growers switch to melons
The cold temperatures in Almería in south-eastern Spain earlier this spring have led a lot of growers to switch out of production of salad lines under the protective structures earlier than usual and into planting melons.
Wapa unveils new website
The World Apple and Pear Association has launched a new website, responding to members’ calls for an online information exchange forum.
Polytunnel document details hard facts
British Summer Fruits has distributed an information document on polytunnels to its members.
Hargreaves earns certification
Lincolnshire-based soft-fruit plant-propagator, Hargreaves Plants has just received ISO 9001:2000 accreditation.
Northern Foods squeezes its suppliers
Ready meal giant Northern Foods is reported to be forcing a five per cent price cut onto its suppliers.
European tomato growers consolidate
The European Tomato Producers' Group has met for the third time and decided to expand its role and engage in international dialogue.
Fairtrade takes banana stunt to DTI
Civil servants arriving for work at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in London on Tuesday were each handed a banana for breakfast and told not to forget the farmer who grew it.
Caution urged in lemon trade
The lemon harvest in Argentina has begun ahead of schedule as good fruit size has been achieved early, but sector chiefs are calling for caution in a high volume year.
Hurricane season warning
The 2005 hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin looks set to be more active than the historical average, meteorologists are warning. And Floridian crop forecasts for the 2004/5 season continue to fall.
US cherries gear up for longer season
California is hoping to build on last year's record UK sales, while north-western US shippers are lengthening their season.
Lantra launches horticulture review
Land-based industries sector-skills council Lantra is carrying out the biggest review of skills needs and learning provision in horticulture ever.
Israeli farm output climbs
Latest figures published in Israel show significant gains in key exports.
Tesco under fire in South Africa
International development agency ActionAid has released a report - Rotten Fruit - criticising conditions of South African women working on Tesco-accredited farms.
Spanish raspberries to last longer
Raspberries from Huelva appear to be recovering from a rocky start to their season.
Ethylene use could be outlawed
The use of ethylene as a ripening agent is at risk if the industry does not submit necessary data to the EC by June 30.
Reward offered for canker information
In Australia, central Queensland fruit growers are offering a $250,000 reward for information about the source of citrus canker.
Latin Americans call for arbitration
Latin American banana producing nations have formally asked the World Trade Organisation for arbitration in their row with the EU over the new banana import regime.
Aussies eye mango catalyst
An Australian mango growers' group hopes a conference later this year will be a catalyst for change within the industry.