All Production & Trade articles – Page 1516
Jamaican bananas suffer at hands of Dennis
While Florida citrus producers appear to have dodged the bullet when it comes to hurricane Dennis, Jamaican banana producers were not so lucky.
NZ apple growers go for government
New Zealand apples growers have hit out at government ministers for what they describe as “insults”.
Agrexco in mango focus
The new Israeli mango season is about to get under way with increased volumes.
Florida hit by hurricane
Florida is again counting the cost of the weather after hurricane Dennis roared through the north-west of the state before moving on to Alabama.
Black looks to beat blue in soft-fruit success
The newly formed Blackcurrant Foundation is hoping blackcurrants can emulate the success of blueberries in the UK market.
China continues negotiations with Taiwan
Mainland China authorities and Taiwan's two opposition parties launched a new bid on Friday to expand the sale of Taiwanese agricultural products on the mainland.
Water agreement reached
The National Farmers Union has signed an accord with the Environment Agency and Water UK.
Clive’s is Waitrose small producer of the year
Jane and Charlie Clive of Clive’s Fruit Farm, Upton-on-Severn, Worcestershire have been presented with the Waitrose Small Producer of the Year Award in the drinks category for their hand-pressed Conference Pear juice.
Economy rebounds after Thursday slump
The stock market recovers after Thursday’s bomb blasts in London, but sterling hits a 19-month low against the dollar.
Fresh-cut watermelon breakthrough
New growing techniques could boost watermelon quality for the fresh prepared sector and help disease resistance.
Tomato crackdown urged
The European Tomato Growers group is calling for better regulation on imports of Moroccan and Turkish tomatoes.
Teresa to leave role as IPL md
Emilio Teresa, managing director of International Produce Ltd (IPL), is to leave the company to pursue other business interests.
Harmonised apple plans scrapped
The European Commission is poised to scrap plans to harmonise EU apple sizing standards with the rest of the world.
Raspberry season in sexy launch
The UK raspberry season has been launched officially by British Summer Fruits.
Uruguay apples pick up
Apple production in Uruguay is on the increase and more supplies from the South American country have been arriving in the UK.
New UK farming awards announced
NFU president Tim Bennett today launched the new National Farming Awards during his address at the Royal Show.
Italian drought hitting hard
Production in northern Italy is suffering under drought conditions which are having a particularly serious effect on fruit crops.
Bees stung in budget cuts
The British Bee-keepers’ Association (BBKA) is warning of threats to top-fruit crops as a result of government plans to cut spending on bee-health inspection from 2008.
Israeli growers withhold statutory payments
Hundreds of Israeli fruit growers have decided not to pay their dues to the statutory Plants Production and Marketing Board.
Taiwan aims for the UK market
Producers from Taiwan are looking to break into the UK market following a recent government fact-finding mission.