All Production & Trade articles – Page 1512
Greenhouse handover in Gaza
An internationally backed deal to hand over Israeli greenhouses in Gaza to the Palestinians has gone ahead.
Leo Fine dies, aged 78
The Western Cape and South African fruit industry has lost one of its most respected and colourful leaders with the death of Leo Mayne Fine.
New opportunities in box schemes
Growers interested in supplying local box schemes and farmers’ markets are being invited to an open day being run by HDRA.
Israel racks up record exports
Vegetable exports from Israel have increased in 2004-05 reaching a record 395,000 tonnes.
Spanish take a stand
Melon growers in Spain’s leading production area of Castilla-La Mancha are taking a stand against low prices.
Berry blip hits UK
Strawberry availability from the UK has taken a dip this week as Elsanta has finished promptly and everbearers are running late.
Cherry love promotion
Love is in the air at Sainsbury’s this month with the launch of a romantic competition to promote Northwest Cherries.
Asda wins with Kentish berries
Asda and UK soft-fruit supplier AMS are reaping the benefits of Asda’s Local Choice campaign, particularly in Kent.
Superfly discovered by scientists
Scientists have discovered a ‘superfly’ which is resistant to the pesticide DDT.
Banana negotiations kick off
The European Union has begun conversations with nine Latin American banana-producing nations to thrash out a new proposal on its import regime by next month.
Apple marketing advice issued
The FPC has issued new advice on the EU decision to postpone its revision of apple marketing standards.
Sainsbury's looks for victory with sweetcorn
Sainsbury’s is hoping to capture the public mood with the launch of a new super sweet variety of sweetcorn.
Fuel cost the biggest issue for freight industry
A survey of lorry operators has revealed the need to reduce fuel duty is the top policy priority looked for by the road transport industry.
Frost hits US apples
US apple growers are counting the cost after a severe frost earlier in the year killed off most of Iowa’s annual crop.
Australian mangoes early
The Australian mango crop is preparing to harvest, with production in the Northern Territories one to two weeks early, importers report.
New satellite a tool for precision farming
Israel is build a satellite that will be launched into space by France in 2008 as a tool for 'precision farming' - providing real-time reporting on crop conditions.
NZ and Australian fruit row grows
First it was apples, but now New Zealand’s summerfruit industry is beginning to lose patience with Australia.
Lemon volume problems
Spain is looking at an increased lemon crop in the new season as Argentina struggles with its own oversupply issues.
Grim outlook for New Zealand apple growers
New Zealand apple growers are facing an exceptionally grim season this year, with the majority of returns being below the cost of production.
Mango symposium gearing up
Sun City, South Africa will play host to the VIIIth International Mango Symposium on February 5-10, 2006.