All Production & Trade articles – Page 1486
Citrus left on Almeria trees
Grower groups in Almería in south-eastern Spain are warning that citrus producers are suffering from a weak market and are leaving tonnes of fruit on trees.
BHTA throws open its doors
The British Herb Trade Association (BHTA) is inviting membership from other sectors
Ready Steady Cook goes mushrooming
Patrick Hearne, part owner of Capel Mushrooms in Suffolk, competes against his picker Sue Pugh in BBC2's Ready Steady Cook.
Larry rips through Aussie bananas
Australia’s banana industry was devastated yesterday by a cyclone that reached nearly 300Km/h.
OFT offers no hope to suppliers
Suppliers in the fresh produce sector have little to gain from any competition investigation into the UK retail market.
Gang crackdown could cause problems
The government has finally launched a system to crackdown on the exploitation of workers in the fresh produce sector, although labour providers fear it could lead to a shortage of staff.
Hort report issues UK stark warning
Small-scale growers in the UK must access niche market opportunities or continue to consolidate if they are to survive, a new report has shown.
Spanish berries back on track
Spanish berries are back on track after the unusually long cold snap, according to international importer and distributor Redbridge Worldfresh.
South African citrus sets sail
The first volumes of Outspan easy-peel are on the water as South Africa contends with a mix of weather conditions at the season's outset.
Apple pressure to remain
The European apple market is likely to remain under pressure well into the southern hemisphere season, warns Freshfel.
Asda ends single supply in salads
Asda has changed its sourcing strategy in the salad category and reduced the involvement of Geest-owned English Village Salads.
"Incompetent" Defra slammed over RPA mess
The NFU is “utterly dismayed” at the continued “incompetence” of the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).
Asda Fairtrade sales rocket
Asda has seen its Fairtrade banana volumes expand by more than 92 per cent in the last 12 months.
Earliest ever British strawberries hit Sainsbury's
The earliest British strawberries ever to hit Sainsbury's stores arrived on Sunday, seven weeks early.
Panama banana crisis
Panamanian banana co-operative Coosemupar, which sells its fruit through Chiquita, is in deep crisis as workers strike and funds run dry.
Ecuador's banana output hit
Heavy rainfall and cloud coverage are affecting banana production in Ecuador.
Blight trial's mixed results
Independent potato blight fungicide trials have produced mixed results, according to reports given at the BPC Blight Forum held in Peterborough at the end of last month.
Chile tops the rankings on apples
Chile has topped the World Apple Report rankings as the most competitive apple exporter for the second year running.
Spanish supply hit by winds
Strong winds in south-eastern Spain have damaged plastic tunnels and swept fruit and blossom from trees.
IoH announces role changes
The Institute of Horticulture's general secretary retires this month to be replaced by an administration manager.