All Production & Trade articles – Page 1483
Flandria boosts production and range
Summer vegetables are about to come on stream from Belgium with increased volumes and new products to be marketed under quality label Flandria.
NZ apples fall short
NZ apple shipments for this season will be down on initial forecasts, the industry’s export association has announced.
Kentish snow blow
Snow struck parts of Kent early last week causing protective structures over some soft-fruit crops to collapse and damaging the plants beneath them.
SEF aims to treble production
Grower of the Year, Southern England Farms, is growing three times the volume of brassicas in Cornwall this season, compared to the 2004-05 crop year.
Banana competition increases
Changes in the EU banana regime on January 1, are bringing new operators into the fiercely competitive market.
China records apple drop
The US department of agriculture has estimated this week that China’s 2005-06 apple crop will close the season down 15 per cent on the 2004-05.
Chilean fruit leaders attack government
Chilean fruit leaders have joined in a chorus of calls on the country’s new president Michelle Bachelet to open up her coffers to a wider group of industries.
Spanish urge end to pesticide confusion
Spanish export federation Fepex has pleaded with the European Commission to end confusion over maximum residue levels (MRLs).
Retailers offer a Royal weekend
Jersey Royals have hit two top retailers in time for Easter - two weeks earlier than last year.
Heff relaunches website
Heart of England Fine Foods (Heff) has improved its website
Tesco's first Jersey Royals hit stores
Tesco has received the first supplies of new-season Jersey Royals from its depots in Harlow, Didcot and Southampton.
More hurricane devastation forecast
Meteorologists forecast another devastating hurricane season for Central and North America and the Caribbean in 2006.
FTA calls for tighter controls on data release
The Freight Transport Association has urged the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) for tighter controls on the release of vehicle keeper data from the UK vehicle register.
Early NZ apple volumes slide
Peter Beaven, ceo of growers’ association Pipfruit New Zealand, has warned that volume in early varieties of the country’s apple crop may be down on forecasts.
Stonefruit overproduction threat
No severe frosts as yet could see Spain heading for an overabundant stonefruit crop.
Cherry boards collaborate
Representatives from Northwest Cherries and the California Cherry Advisory Board in the US have held their first formal meeting to discuss collaboration.
Murcia co-op merger
Eight co-operatives in the south-eastern Spanish region of Murcia are joining forces.
Spanish growers issue melon warning
As the melon and watermelon season from Almería in southern Spain gets set, grower groups in the region are calling on the provincial agriculture authorities to focus this year’s Don’t Cut Green campaign on marketing desks.
Sainbury's Online boss puts service first
Sainsbury’s is hoping to up its stakes in the supermarket wars by focusing on its online services.