All Production & Trade articles – Page 1471
Israeli avocados to break 10-year record
Avocado yields in Israel are expected to reach a decade-record of 90,000-100,000 tonnes in the 2005-06 season.
Weather-watcher to save growers cash
Growers could save water and fertiliser thanks to a unique weather-watching system that automatically waters plants according to a five-day weather forecast.
Pea growers burnt out by heatwave
The recent heatwave could be “the final straw” for some of the UK’s pea growers.
New Reglone regs to provide greater flexibility
New recommendations for the use of potato desiccant Reglone will allow growers to desiccate their crops in all soil conditions, according to Jon Ogborn, technical manager at Syngenta.
Agrexco offers ocean taste with salty Orache
A fresh herb that that could reduce the need to add salt to food is now available in limited volumes from Agrexco.
JP Fruit backs rower's Olympic bid
JP Fruit is launching a banana campaign with top Olympic oarsman Andy Hodge.
Chileans unite to improve image
Leaders of all the major food-sector groups in Chile are trying to relaunch their country’s stalled international promotional campaign.
Israeli supplies unaffected - so far
The conflict along Israel’s northern border has disrupted the country’s fruit picking but exporters say supplies remained largely unaffected.
Mixed bunch for grape supply
Grape suppliers to the UK are experiencing mixed fortunes this summer.
FCC study reveals value chain savings potential
A study by the Food Chain Centre (FCC) has revealed significant efficiencies that can be made in the chain supplying 16,000 schools through he government-funded School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
S&A dismisses allegations of mistreatment
Major UK strawberry supplier S&A Produce has dismissed allegations in the national press that it has been mistreating labourers, and said the biggest threat to supply this week has been restrictions to picking caused by the extreme temperatures.
CMO submissions pull no punches
Freshfel, representing the trade, and Copa-Cogeca, representing producers, have made their submissions to the European Commission on the reform of the CMO calling for links to increasing consumption and a more robust producer-organisation structure.
Peruvian citrus invigorated
The opening of the US market to Peruvian citrus in May this year is proving a fillip for sendings to Europe too.
New pluot to hit UK shelves
A new Brontosaur egg Pluot is set to hit the European market in July, introduced by Seville-based producer Royal.
US apple crop damaged
Recent hail storms as well as the effects of spring rain look likely to reduce US apple volumes in the major producing areas of the north-west and east of the country.
Del Monte back on TV screens
Del Monte has burst onto UK TV screens with a prime time national ad campaign aimed at encouraging consumers eat more fruit this summer.
No fear for growers fazed over Fazor
Fazor can still be used by root growers under a SOLA in carrots and parsnips to suppress re-growth and help maintain quality, according to Dow AgroSciences.
Negev veg exports on the rise
Exports of Israeli vegetables from the north western Negev region are up seven per cent from 2004/05, weighing in this season at 78,000 tonnes.
Royal success despite visitor drop
The 2006 Royal Show has been a success for UK agriculture, despite five per cent less visitors than last year, according to its organisers.
The talking stops in Guernsey
Talks in Guernsey between horticultural representatives and the government department of Commerce and Employment have now been concluded.