All Production & Trade articles – Page 1470
Zespri growers back year-round supply
NZ kiwifruit exporter Zespri revealed at its agm last week that its growers are strongly behind its year-round supply programme which involves growing fruit outside New Zealand.
Redbridge opens new distribution centre
Redbridge Holdings is opening a 10,000 sq ft chilled distribution facility in Hayes, London, to accommodate its growing customer-base in the South East.
Chile appoints European rep from IP
The Chilean fresh fruit industry, through its trade body the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association, has appointed Lianne Jones as its new field manager for Europe.
BCGA to showcase varietal advances
The British Carrot Growers’ Association (BCGA) will showcase 35 varieties at its annual open day in October.
Syngenta gets sole grip of Anderline
Syngenta Bioline has launched spider mite predator sachet Anderline in a controlled release sachet (CRS), and is the only company to produce Amblyseius andersoni commercially, according to sales manager Andrew Stevenson.
Muñoz focuses on consumption
Antonio Muñoz, incoming president of Spanish citrus-sector trade association Intercitrus, has said he will place more emphasis on increasing consumption than on limiting production to lift the fortunes of his industry.
Strong sales for UK gras
This year’s UK asparagus season mostly hit the mark thanks to a comprehensive PR campaign, which helped boost sales throughout the domestic window.
Stressed soft fruit better for health
‘Stressing’ soft-fruit crops through the growing period could help enhance their nutritional benefits and offer new opportunities for breeding, Dr Chris Atkinson told delegates at this year’s Meiosis Soft Fruit Conference & Fruit Walk, at East Malling in Kent.
Raspberry offer outstrips demand
UK raspberries are in the midst of a tricky time as offer outweighs apparent consumer demand.
Dutch jv to offer full package
Frumac - an alliance between Dutch grading equipment companies Van Wamel BV of Beneden-Leeuwen (PERFECT) and Burg’s Machinefabriek BV of Oostdijk-Krabbendijke (BMF) - has been launched to offer complete solutions in the grading and packing of fruit and vegetables.
Bees running short
HortResearch New Zealand scientists are warning that there is likely be a major shortage of bees for pollination of export crops in the next 10 years.
KG predicts Elsanta demise
KG Fruits md Nick Marston told visitors and exhibitors to this week’s Fruit Focus 2006 show that the economic performance of Elsanta strawberries is “beginning to look dated”.
Melon market crisis
UK importers are reporting a crisis in the melon market as soaring temperatures surprisingly fail to boost consumption.
New appointment for AFS
Assured Food Standards (AFS) has appointed Professor Mark Tatchell as chairman of the Assured Produce Board and AFS Board member for horticulture.
NFU's Kendall a bioethanol head
Plant power will be propelling NFU president Peter Kendall to his appointments from this week onwards, thanks to a new car on loan from Saab which runs on biofuel.
Jersey sendings dip
The Jersey Royal season is winding up with sendings to the UK down on last year.
Irish growers ‘being ripped off’ by multiples
Multiples in the Irish Republic have been accused of ripping off growers and consumers with huge mark-ups on fresh produce.
Berry bodies link up
Spanish producer and exporter groups and associations have come together to form a whole-chain trade body that represents the entirety of strawberry production in the Huelva region.
Defra unveils proposed GM guideline
Defra has announced new proposed guidelines to govern the potential production of genetically modified crops in the UK.
Israeli avocados to break 10-year record
Avocado yields in Israel are expected to reach a decade-record of 90,000-100,000 tonnes in the 2005-06 season.