All Production & Trade articles – Page 1466
Colombian exporter strengthens organic offer
Established Colombian exporter of exotic fruit, herbs and vegetables, Frutexpo, is looking to develop the country’s organic sector, following growing demand for its produce in the UK and Europe.
Blight-resistant GM spud on trial
Chemicals manufacturing corporation BASF is hoping to trial crops of genetically modified blight-resistant potatoes in the UK next year, it has been revealed.
Growers feel Magners effect
The UK fresh apple market is set to benefit from the success of Irish cider brand Magners.
Strawberries snap unhappy
The warm July and the cold snap in May are taking their toll on availability of UK summer fruits with strawberries and plums most affected.
California creates grape quandary
The California table grape crop is forecast by the US National Agriculture Statistics Service to fall by some nine per cent on last season, presenting growers in other countries with increased opportunity.
Apple job balanced
The apple market in the UK is well-balanced as the northern hemisphere season begins, but there are still words of warning that exporters should not get complacent.
Food prices set to soar, says Daily Mail
High food prices, caused mainly by poor harvests and rising fuel costs, will continue to rise in the long term, the Daily Mail has reported.
Freight demand growing in spite of soaring fuel prices
An FTA survey has suggested that demand for freight is growing in spite of soaring oil prices.
Fyffes Citrus acquires Medicitrus
Fyffes Citrus has acquired Spanish citrus production company Medicitrus.
BRC: Veg prices up 4.7 per cent
The price of vegetables on the shop shelf is up 4.7 per cent on last year, according to the British Retail Consortium.
Really Garlicky launch
Scottish-grown garlic brand, Really Garlicky Garlic, has been launched into Tesco stores across the country this week.
Chinese garlic restrictions loosened
Restrictions on Chinese garlic imports into the EU are to be lifted.
Blythman singles out unethical suppliers
An ethical meal would comprise Innocent Smoothies and Abel and Cole organics, but would exclude South African apples and produce from Dole, according to food journalist Joanna Blythman.
Freshmax expands in Australia
Freshmax, New Zealand’s largest independent fruit supplier has hooked up with a Sydney-based firm to expand its operations in Australia.
Chiquita suspends purchases
Chiquita has suspended purchases from three independent growers in Panama for the fourth week in a row.
Graves defends Costcutter merger
Costcutter chairman Colin Graves has defended the controversial £200 million merger with wholesaler Nisa-Today’s - saying the deal was “not to feed fat cats”.
New BRC standard for storage and distribution
The British Retail Consortium has announced its newest Global Standard will be published on August 21.
Plenum gains approval
Plenum, a brassica insecticide, has been given full label approval for controlling aphids, and could help control Peach Potato Aphid, Syngenta Crop Management UK has announced.
Hail crisis for Italian basil
Italian basil has been seriously damaged by hailstones the size of ping pong balls and torrential rain in Genoa. Up to 80 per cent of the crop has been lost.
Asda flies local flag for Cornwall
Cornish growers for Asda will be delivering their produce straight into store as part of a pilot scheme to cut down on food miles and promote local produce.