All Production & Trade articles – Page 1453
Israel climbs sharonfruit chart
Israel is now the world's second largest exporter of sharonfruit, after Spain, according to the Israeli Plant Production & Marketing Board.
Banana shipping breakthrough
Irish fresh produce multi-national Fyffes has signed a long-term contract to ship bananas in cool containers.
Paper price-rise threat
Paper prices in Spain are set to climb risking an increase in the cost of packaging for the horticulture export sector.
Defra scheme to bring kids closer to food
Defra secretary David Miliband is launching the Year of Food & Farming to give every English schoolchild the chance to find out how food is produced and how this links with healthy eating.
Sun World appoints European marketer licensee
Sun World appoints Peviani and TALI as grape marketer-licensees, as it expands global network.
Festive wrapping for Florette
Florette has repackaged its top-selling bagged salad lines for the festive season.
Beaven: NZ fruit friendlier than British
New Zealand is more energy efficient at producing and delivering apples to the UK market than UK producers, according to Peter Beaven, chief executive of Pipfruit New Zealand.
Blythman berating again
Tesco and Waitrose have commissioned independent investigations into supplies of Costa Rican pineapples following an article by notorious food writer Joanna Blythman in The Observer last Sunday.
Brazilian producers lose OJ trial
Orange juice producers from Brazil face legal moves from growers, after losing a seven-year battle to clear their names of price fixing.
Chicory in seasonal colour
Supplies of red chicory from Belgium under the Flandria quality mark are expected to increase significantly.
Trade welcomes ad ban
The junk-food advertising ban during children’s programmes is positive for the fresh produce industry, sector leaders say.
Kanzi enters UK market
The first volumes of new apple variety Kanzi will reach the UK market in the next week.
Sainsbury's launches new supplier payment system
Sainsbury’s has created a new payment management system, which it says has been designed to make it easier and quicker for suppliers to access account information and gain early payments.
Natures Way Foods follows Tesco to US
Natures Way Foods, the UK prepared salads specialist, has been signed up by Tesco to supply its soon-to-be-launched US stores.
Salad sales slump after bad publicity
Bad publicity has contributed to a poor trading period for the leafy salads market, the British Leafy Salads Association revealed on Wednesday.
Banana trade splinters
Developments this week in the banana arena have sent splits running through both the Latin American and EU banana camps.
Persimmon sales soar for Spanish
Spanish Persimmon sales are on course for a record year, according to the country's major exporter Anecoop..
FPC pressure forces HMRC to shape up
Negotiations and pressure from the Fresh Produce Consortium are paying off as HM Revenue & Customs shapes up its poor performance on migration of entry processing units.
Russia threatens further EU import ban
The European Commission said yesterday that Russia is threatening to ban meat, fruit and vegetables from the European Union due to health concerns once Romania and Bulgaria join the bloc in January.
Irish grower fined for foreign worker treatment
Irish mushroom grower landed with €350,000 bill for "unfair sackings".