All Production & Trade articles – Page 1449

  • Chilean avos feel US heat

    Chilean avos feel US heat


    A prolonged Californian season and increased access for Mexican producers has been making life difficult for Chilean avocado growers in the US, but their European campaign is topping last year’s high.

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    NZ harvest forecast


    Industry body Horticulture New Zealand is forecasting a bumper harvest in the upcoming autumn of top fruit, vegetable and other fruit lines in the Hawkes Bay area.

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    Aussies score with super plum


    An antioxidant-rich plum that could protect against cancer and heart disease is being developed by Australian scientists.

  • Asda ceo Andy Bond

    Asda suffers Essential setback


    Wal-Mart’s attempt to break into the convenience sector has been set back after the group closed a pilot store less than a year after it opened.

  • Organic farmers hit back at Defra secretary

    Organic farmers hit back at Defra secretary


    The organic food industry has blasted Defra secretary David Miliband after he said there was no proof that organic produce was healthier than ordinary food.

  • David Miliband

    Miliband challenges farmers to progress


    UK farmers were set five challenges by Defra secretary David Miliband at the Oxford Farming Conference on Wednesday.He urged farmers to co-operate and consolidate, find added value, innovate, wake up to consumer demands and adopt greener farming techniques.

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    GGA appoints new president


    Guernsey growers must continue to exploit niche markets for a successful future in horticulture, according to newly-appointed Guernsey Growers’ Association (GGA) president Alan Dorey.

  • Spanish strawberries slide

    Spanish strawberries slide


    Strawberry acreage in Huelva has declined this season as raspberry production in the Spanish region soars.

  • Cauli supply tightens

    Cauli supply tightens


    Cauliflower supply is running extremely tight and is likely to continue to do so into early next month.

  • Valencia citrus growers in protest

    Citrus crisis deepens


    Valencia’s citrus growers have taken to the streets to protest against prices below the cost of production.

  • Roy and Rod Bartlett

    Bartlett enjoys Christmas TV glory


    Staffordshire farming, packing and produce marketing company R&RW Bartlett appeared on the Christmas special of the BBC’s Gardeners World programme, to promote the favourite seasonal vegetable, the parsnip.

  • Pesticide to disrupt Almerian pepper supply

    Pesticide to disrupt Almerian pepper supply


    Spanish authorities have warned that the supply of peppers from Almeria could be disrupted following the discovery of an unauthorised pesticide on crops.

  • martin brown

    Greenery UK awarded for safety


    Leading fruit and vegetable provider The Greenery's UK-dedicated warehouse in Maasland, the Netherlands, was named as one of the safest warehouses in the Netherlands at the Logistica trade fair, held recently in Utrecht.

  • Anthony Levy

    EiC in mum deal


    The long-awaited Eat in Colour campaign is due to go live in the next two weeks with a significant pr push aimed principally at the UK’s mothers.

  • Israeli sendings recover

    Israeli sendings recover


    A special steering committee at the Israeli ministry of agriculture estimates that the export volume of vegetables from Israel this season will amount to 447,000 tonnes, compared with 405,000t in last season.

  • Israeli veg sendings climb

    Israeli veg sendings climb


    A special steering committee at the Israeli ministry of agriculture estimates that the export volume of vegetables from Israel in 2006 will amount to 447,000 tonnes, compared with 405,000t in the previous year.

  • CI toms on course

    CI toms on course


    The Canary Islands tomato season is on course to finish in June on the back of continued good quality, according to Foods from Spain.

  • Pictured from left - Asda potato buyer; Drew Kirk, Agrimarc colleague; Jonathan Pearson and Potato Pete

    Rudolph potatoes make store debut


    Vegetable specialist Fenmarc Produce gave away over 100 kilos of its new Rudolph potato variety at an Asda store in York this week.

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    South Tyrol apple crop beats expectations


    The South Tyrol Apple Consortium has registered an unexpected 2006 harvest increase of one percent despite initial forecasts.

  • Review issues NZ apple warning

    Review issues NZ apple warning


    A major strategic review of the NZ top-fruit industry has concluded that New Zealand is losing its innovative edge in the marketplace and its crop profile is too skewed to particular varieties.