All Production & Trade articles – Page 1448
California freeze creates opportunity
A devastating freeze in California has obliterated at least half of the citrus crop remaining on trees and opened up opportunities for Spanish senders.
Eat in Colour hits the headlines
After many months of preparation and planning, the fresh produce industry’s Eat in Colour campaign has been launched to consumer media today, so keep a look out for coverage in national and regional papers and on regional radio stations.
FTA appoints new managers
The Freight Transport Association has announced the appointment of a number of new managers.
Russell Burgess dies, aged 89
Russell Burgess, one of the best-known names in the UK potato and vegetable sectors has died, aged 89.
Retail giants join up to fight unfair working conditions
Four of the world’s most powerful retailers are to link up to make sure suppliers’ working conditions are fair.
Watercress withdrawn in salmonella scare
A leading UK salads supplier withdraws watercress products because of possible salmonella contamination.
Stepac Xtends veg capabilities
Modified-atmosphere specialist Stepac has extended the range of vegetables and salads that can now be packed in its modified atmosphere/modified humidity (MA/MH) packaging.
California freezing
California's citrus industry was hit by a second night of record-low temperatures this weekend, increasing fears of widespread crop destruction.
Mack launches revamped website
Fresh produce supplier M & W Mack, part of the Fresca Group Limited, has updated its website for the new year.
Chile steps up climate watch
The Chilean Fruit Development Foundation has just added three new stations to its agro-climate monitoring network.
Grapes in full flow
Chile is expecting a bumper grape season according to the exporters’ association as the first fruit begins to arrive in the UK.
Aussie apple growers to appeal decision on NZ fruit
Australian apple growers are to appeal a recent decision to allow New Zealand apples into the Australian market.
EC discusses import licences for garlic
A European Commission discussion paper on the introduction of import licences for selected products related to garlic is being compiled, Defra told the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) on Friday.
Spanish salads in turmoil
Unseasonably mild weather in southern Spain is playing havoc with salad and vegetable availability.
English apples body appoints new chairman
Promotional body English Apples & Pears has announced Sir Ben Gill will become chairman of the company following the retirement of Robin Pooley at its agm in March.
FSA finds heavy metals in veg
The Food Standards Agency has said that illegal levels of heavy metals and other elements found on carrots, mushrooms and nuts in a recent study do not cause concerns for health.
Merger creates £400m UK produce superpower
Total Produce, the spin-off company created by Fyffes' recent demerger, is to join forces with Redbridge Holdings to create a near £400 million fresh produce superpower.
Sainsbury's adds grapes to Fairtrade basket
Sainsbury’s is broadening its commitment to Fairtrade produce with the introduction of South African Fairtrade grapes in selected stores this week.
Spanish peppers in hot water
Prices for peppers soared this week as supplies from Almeria continued to be disrupted by the recent discovery in Germany of an unauthorised pesticide on crops.
UK growers can influence climate change
NFU welcomes EU energy and climate change package, but warns delivery must match aspirations.