All Production & Trade articles – Page 1444
DaddyBerry eyes the UK
A premium strawberry produced in Portugal is now set for export across Europe.
Palmer: trust NZ's top-fruit figures
Pipfruit NZ chairman Ian Palmer has expressed confidence in the accuracy of his country’s crop estimate for 2007.
Technology key to UK success
UK horticulture needs to focus more than ever on new technology to achieve high production at low cost, according to an industry economist.
Costeña has it covered
The Costa Rica melon grower that detected salmonella in cantaloupes destined for the US market, forcing a recall by marketer Dole Fresh Fruit Co, has branded the incident an accident and insists the correct procedures are in place to ensure it does not happen again.
Net sales increase fails to boost Chiquita income
Multinational produce giant Chiquita has posted a 15 per cent increase in net sales to US$4.5 billion for the full year 2006, but a net loss of US$96 million for the same period, compared to a net income of US$131m in 2005.
Salad supplier speaks out against Somerfield
A Worcestershire salad supplier has told FPJ that supermarket tactics are putting intolerable pressure on the supply chain.
Watercress cements superfood status
The Watercress Alliance, a consortium of UK watercress producers, is hoping to cement the leafy vegetable’s superfood appeal with a new study showing it can significantly lower the risk of cancer.
Fresca and Martinavarro shake up citrus
A new joint citrus marketing venture called MM Global Citrus Limited (MMG) is to take over the marketing of citrus to UK importer Mack Citrus’s existing customers.
Rain lashes Chilean grapes
Chilean exporters’ association Asoex is warning that rainfall last week has affected important grape growing areas right at the peak of the harvest.
Irish growers plea to supermarkets
Fresh produce growers in the Irish Republic have issued a stark warning to the multiples: Increase our prices or we’ll go out of business.
Dole supplier gains Rainforest approval
A Dole supplier has earned Rainforest Alliance certification for one of its Costa Rica farms.
Plums swing towards surfeit
The plum market is in delicate balance as several weeks of shortage are about to end with a dramatic surge of product expected next week.
The Co-op makes Fairtrade commitment
Fairtrade bananas are to be stocked in all 3,000 Co-op food stores the UK, including its smallest community stores in some of the most remote areas, from the first day of Fairtrade Fortnight.
Almeria to revamp crop management
The Spanish region of Almeria is to overhaul its crop management in the aftermath of its recent pesticide crisis.
New UK fresh produce gateway launched
Immport, a new fresh produce gateway based at Immingham, which promises a more efficient, low-cost, environment-friendly solution for suppliers, retailers and distributors, was launched at Fruit Logistica.
Ghana responds to Fairtrade demand
Ghanian producers are hoping to cash in on the boom in demand for Fairtrade, with their ongoing investment of energy and capital in sustainable pineapple production.
Asda staff share £15m
Asda staff nationwide are set to benefit from a £15 million "windfall."
Swiss apples for upmarket consumers
Swiss exporters have received international acclaim for several new apple varieties.
Hungary reports production boost
Hungary enjoyed an increase in overall fruit production last year but adverse weather conditions resulted in the country importing more than it exported for the third year running.
Dole recalls cantaloupes in salmonella scare
Dole Fresh Fruit Co was forced to recall thousands of cartons of imported cantaloupes in North America on Friday, after the fruit tested positive for salmonella.