All Production & Trade articles – Page 1442
CGMA boosts local sourcing with SEEDA link
The Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) is to embark on the first of a three-year project with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) in April to boost local sourcing.
Soil Association and NFU sharpen claws
A simmering spat between the Soil Association and NFU seems to be deepening after the SA issued a press release calling upon NFU president Peter Kendall to withdraw recent allegations that the association was ‘scaremongering’.
Tesco to start carbon-labelling
Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy has announced that the company is to start carbon labelling.
Indian mango region suffers climatic disaster
The mango crop in the southern Indian region of Andhra Pradesh has been decimated this season by adverse climatic conditions.
Collen takes early retirement
Malet Azoulay’s Richard Collen is taking early retirement after 27 years in the fresh produce trade.
Israeli port strike delays shipments
More than 10,000 tonnes of fresh produce slated to be sent to European customers is being delayed in the port of Ashdod in Israel, due to a port workers' strike.
Winds damage crops across Spain
Producers are counting the cost after high winds swept across many production areas in Spain last week affecting a wide variety of crops.
Irish growers dig in against retailers
The Irish Competition Authority may be asked to investigate whether the monopoly power exercised by multiples is forcing vegetable growers out of business.
Leaves need dry spell
Wet and warm weather so far this month is casting a shadow over plantings of speciality leafy salads in the UK.
Onion job an ordeal
Onion growers warn that the wet conditions so far this month have been far from ideal for drilling and are threatening to delay the new crop.
US looks to boost agri-exports
A revised US Farm Bill looks set to stimulate international trade.
Leek growers in record season
UK Leek growers have enjoyed one of the best seasons for their product on record.
Salanova breaks through in US
Salanova, the Rijk Zwaan lettuce variety, has conquered the US and will continue its drive in the UK this year.
New pear on Asda shelves
A “new” old variety of pear will be gracing the shelves of selected Asda stores from next week.
NFU countryside lifts lid on rural life
Levels of contenment are higher in the countryside, according to a new survey.
Charity to help growers improve soil
A new Defra-funded project to help growers improve the ways in which they build soil fertility is to be led by organic growing charity HDRA Garden Organic.
Bumper year for Chilean avo exporters
The Chilean avocado season just ended was the fruit’s most successful campaign to date in both the UK and Europe.
Graduates stand proud after Tesco supply scheme
A leadership and development programme launched by MorePeople last year in conjunction with retail giant Tesco and its fresh produce suppliers has just seen its first wave of graduations.
JP Fresh: new name on the block
The UK’s fourth largest fruit firm has been renamed and pledged to expand its customer base to create future growth potential.