All Production & Trade articles – Page 1441
Polytunnel decision may cover more than previously thought
Herefordshire fruit growers have reportedly held crisis talks with their local council after they were told they would have to apply for planning permission to put up polytunnels.
Cornwall cashes in on early 'gus
Cornwall has been discovered by UK supermarkets as a potential major source for early asparagus. The first of the crop was being sold by Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury’s this week.
Bomfords under scrutiny since April 2005
Mark Boleat, chairman of the Association of Labour Providers, says that the practices of vegetable supplier Bomfords had been under scrutiny for some time before the recent action by the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) against seven of its labour providers.
UK gras makes early appearance at Co-op
New-season British asparagus hit the shelves at The Co-operative on Monday - almost a month earlier than usual.
Italian sector needs young blood injection
Youngsters are thin on the ground in Italy’s agricultural industry, according to the country’s observatory for entrepreneurial resources in the agricultural sector (Oiga).
Ministry to maintain support system
France’s Ministry of Agriculture has announced that the government will maintain current aids to support farmers on the elimination of obsolete fruit trees.
New kids on block snapping at old heels
A group of healthy and relatively small companies are taking the fresh produce industry by storm and showing the big boys how it’s done, according to research released by industry analyst Plimsoll Publishing.
Sri Lankan fruit fly could devastate African crops
A fruit fly native to Sri Lanka is invading Africa at an alarming speed, according to the EU-funded scheme Pesticides Initiative Programme (PIP), attacking various fruit species and market garden produce.
Durham opens the book on Fairtrade
Durham has become one of the first towns in the UK to have its own ‘Fairtrade Directory’.
Packaging Automation storms Oz
UK manufacturer Packaging Automation is seeing high levels of interest for its convenience packaging equipment in Australia, as demand for ready meals, prepared fruit and vegetables and salads continues to grow.
Yorkshire: the Garden of England?
Former NFU President Graham Ward suggests that global warming is turning the north east into the ‘new garden of England’.
USDA updates water model
The USDA’s water quality model has been updated, promising to give even more accurate predictions of the way in which plants respond to environmental stimuli.
Compost delivers high yields
An innovative farming project in Northumberland is using council-collected garden refuse to turn a profit.
Defra abandons seed trials
Defra is to abandon funding for organic seed trials at the end of March.
SFP payments being traded in Scotland
There appears to be a burgeoning second-hand trade in Single Farm Payments in Scotland.
Early asparagus amazes Covent Garden
Customers at Covent Garden market were shocked to find early volumes of UK asparagus available at wholesaler Gilgrove on Friday morning, well before the start of the traditional season.
UK cauli supply headache
The UK cauliflower market looks likely to continue for most of the spring with an overabundance of supply and likely price promotions from the multiples.
Produce World gets LINKFresh business solution
Anglia Business Solutions has concluded negotiations on a multi-site implementation of its LINKFresh business management solution at Produce World, one of the largest conventional and organic fresh produce suppliers in the UK.
Spanish gusts wreak havoc
Producers are counting the cost after high winds swept across many production areas in Spain last week, affecting a wide variety of crops.
Strawberry recovery
Strawberry supplies from Spain are expected to settle down finally after what has been a very tricky start to the season.