All Production & Trade articles – Page 1439
Asda rolls out UK curry campaign
A daring campaign has been launched by retailer Asda to grow all of the ingredients needed for a curry - right here in the UK.
AVA in Tesco six weeks early
Award-winning strawberry AVA has hit Tesco stores this week -some six weeks earlier than in previous seasons.
Tomato supplies run tight
Tomato supplies in the UK have been shortening as weather conditions affect volumes coming in from the Canary Islands and mainland Spain.
Box shortage frustrates Chileans
Chilean exporters are having to face a shortage of boxes in which to pack their fruit as cardboard manufacturers deal with high paper prices.
NZ riled by Maersk problems
New Zealand apple exporters are up in arms over “cock-ups” by shipping giant Maersk that are seriously overshadowing the start of their season.
AspireUK extends gras campaign
English asparagus growers are to benefit from a greater understanding of their crop, and this is expected to lead to a season that will extend past the traditional finishing date of June 21.
Top-fruit figures differ for major retailers
English Apples & Pears has revealed to FPJ the major supermarkets’ share of this season's English top-fruit sales.
HEFF launches midlands mentoring
Representatives from food and drink businesses across the West Midlands lent their support recently to a new mentoring scheme launched by Heart Of England fine foods (HEFF) in Birmingham.
Jordanian workers to cross Israeli border
Workers from Jordan will be employed in Israeli herb farms in the Jordan Valley and the Bet She'an Valley, according to an agreement signed recently between Israel and the government of Jordan.
Defra accused of RPA inadequacy
The Commons Efra Committee has concluded the Rural Payments Agency failed in the implementation of the Single Payment Scheme largely because Defra asked it to do too much in too short a time.
Kent stonefruit set fair
Conditions for stonefruit production in Kent have been good so far for both cherry and plum crops, despite varying and unseasonable temperatures.
French take a bite from British apples market
The French are enjoying a strong apple season in the UK, with stocks clearing well and prices holding up.
SA grape exporters wither
South Africa’s grape growers are facing a sharp fall in profits, prompting many to exit the wine industry.
US tomatoes weigh in at $650 million
A recent report by the University of California agricultural department puts the US tomato industry at around $650 million in California's agricultural economy last year, more than the world's second largest producer, Italy, and greater than a growing industry in China.
2007 BCPC event to break records
The annual meeting place for players in the global crop protection industry - the BCPC Exhibition - looks set to attract another record-breaking number of visitors, according to its organisers.
Pay back for farmers
The long-awaited rural payments report, due to be published today, is expected to be critical of the Government’s failure to pay English Farmers their subsides on time over the past two years.
NFU Countryside launches campaign for local food
NFU Countryside has launched a consumer campaign to support local food producers to put local produce on weekly shopping lists across the UK.
Harsh winter takes toll in California
Avocado growers in San Luis Obispo County, California, are counting their losses following a cold, dry winter, according to local agriculture experts.
Jersey Royals plantings held back by sleet and hail
Plantings of Jersey Royals stalled again this week after a spell of sleet and hail hit the island.
Chile still top dog in apples
Chile has once again topped the table in the World Apple Report’s International Competitiveness survey.