All Production & Trade articles – Page 1435

  • Fruit quality is expected to be very high this season

    Hass to be good SA season


    South African avocados are on course for a similar-sized export crop to last season of around 9.5 million 4kg cartons, according to the South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA).

  • Fresh Direct drives forward

    Fresh Direct drives forward


    Fresh Direct, the UK’s largest independent fresh produce supplier, is now operating more than 75 refrigerated vehicles from Petit Forestier

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    US lags in inspections


    Very little US food is inspected before it is imported, according to new data.

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    Mergers on the cards for growers and packhouses


    Further mergers and takeovers are predicted within the fresh produce industry

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    FTA announces new president


    Andy Haines, head of logistics at Tate & Lyle Sugars Europe, has been named as the new president of the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

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    Byworth updates the Yorkshireman


    Byworth has improved on its 20-year-old Yorkshireman boiler, introducing the re-vamped Yorkshireman 2.

  • Polka dances up berry charts

    Polka dances up berry charts


    Polka raspberry production in the UK is set for a boost this year, according to Hargreaves Plants, and sales are expected to jump by more than 10 per cent.

  • Onions face undersupply

    Onions face undersupply


    The UK onion season will finish up to a month early, leaving a tight supply situation until at least the end of August.

  • BPC adopts schools

    BPC adopts schools


    The BPC is to begin adopting schools as part of an initiative designed to educate children about potato production.

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    Bike registration bill proposed


    All off-road motorcycles and quadricycles are to be registered and carry number plates, if a new bill is passed.

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    Stonefruit crops stricken


    Spanish stonefruit growers in Murcia are concerned that high winds in March and a brief localised hailstorm on April 6 have damaged 30 per cent of their crops.

  • Haygrove to market new coverings

    Haygrove to market new coverings


    Haygrove has joined forces with VOEN, the tree and grape covering manufacturers.

  • An Intercrop field in Spain

    Contamination squeezes salad supply


    Glass contamination incidents, continuing rainfall in Spain’s major production area and soaring market demand have combined to leave the UK leafy salad sector scrambling to fill orders.

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    Farm land prices increasing


    Land values in South Lincolnshire, the Fens of Cambridgeshire and West Norfolk have risen significantly over the past twelve months

  • Potato plantings forge ahead

    Potato plantings forge ahead


    Potato planting is well ahead of this time last season following fine weather across the UK.

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    Further consolidation on cards in 2007


    At least 57 UK fresh produce firms are prime takeover targets and another 83 could be sold off by their parent companies, according to a new report by independent business analysts Plimsoll Publishing.

  • Major woodburner opened

    Major woodburner opened


    A three megawattt woodburner has been opened at Kernock Park Plants, Cornwall.

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    Dow recommends Electis


    Dow Agrosciences is recommending the inclusion of the protectant fungicide, Electis, in any blight control programme.

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    Richard Hirst - Chairman NFU Board for Horticulture


    The polytunnel issue highlights a growing problem with planning regulations and farm diversification.

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    US opens up mango market


    The first-ever shipments of Indian mangoes are expected to set off to the US market in the next few days, after the latter country lifted import restrictions on the fruit.