All Production & Trade articles – Page 1426

  • Spuds in Sainsbury's stores in 15 minutes

    Spuds in Sainsbury's stores in 15 minutes


    The Local First for Fresh campaign, run by Sainsbury’s and potato supplier Greenvale AP, rocked into action last week, with fresh new potatoes from across the south-west delivered directly from the field to stores in as little as 15 minutes.

  • Euro potato prices nosedive

    Euro potato prices nosedive


    An unexpected end to the 2006/07 maincrop potato season has left growers ‘confused’ as demand dries up and prices fall rapidly, according to the BPC.

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    Growers get FSA assurance


    A change in the approach to how farms are inspected will lead to significant savings in terms of time and costs for thousands of farms and local authorities around the country, while also benefiting consumers, the Food Standards Agency said this week.

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    Bananas weather storm and disease threats


    Inclement weather and disease problems are affecting three different sources of banana exports this week.

  • Soft fruit gets Good Natured

    Soft fruit gets Good Natured


    A premium range of berries free from artificial pesticides has been launched by Scotland-based soft-fruit specialist Angus Soft Fruits (ASF) this week.

  • Storms rattle stonefruit market

    Storms rattle stonefruit market


    Storms in major producing areas as well as earlier inclement weather in the spring are playing havoc with stonefruit availability and causing a tightening of supply on the UK market.

  • Icy weather benefits the Cape

    Icy weather benefits the Cape


    A cold spell of icy weather in South Africa’s Cape region is proving beneficial to grape and deciduous fruit growers in the early stages of winter and helping citrus fruit.

  • New varieties for Redeva

    New varieties for Redeva


    Soft fruit breeder Redeva, a part of Redbridge Worldfresh has developed several new strawberry varieties for the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

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    EMRA to host strawberry walk


    East Malling Research and the HDC are to hold their annual Strawberry Walk on June 18.

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    Lower banana tariff mooted


    The Association of European Banana Producers (APEB) claimed on Monday that the European Commission is looking to lower the EU’s banana import tariff from €176 a tonne to €120/t.

  • UK berries take a taxi

    UK berries take a taxi


    British Summer Fruits (BSF) kicked off the British berry season on Monday, with a procession of 10 colourful strawberry and raspberry-themed taxis across central London, and a berry free-for-all at key locations across the capital on Tuesday.

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    Taypack stays at the top


    Taypack Potatoes has achieved the highest possible BRC Global Food accreditation for the fourth year running.

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    On track for skin spot kit


    Significant progress has been made in the quest for a diagnostic kit to test potatoes for skin spot, the BPC has reported.

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    CMi moves into composting


    CMi, the leading international food safety and assurance company that operates throughout the food supply chain, has successfully been awarded the composting contract known as the BS PAS 100 standard.

  • Peas pop up early at Sainsbury's

    Peas pop up early at Sainsbury's


    Sainsbury’s has got homegrown fresh peas on its shelves two week’s earlier than in 2006.

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    North east backs farmers


    Country dwellers throughout the north east value the work of their farmers, according to a new survey by the NFU.

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    Musgrave plans to add 175 stores


    Musgrave is planning to add 175 stores across the UK and Ireland this year, according to industry analysts IGD.

  • Bacterium shrinks bugs

    Bacterium shrinks bugs


    A bacterium discovered by US Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists that is toxic to potato beetles has also been found to be toxic in varying degrees to gypsy moth and small hive beetle.

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    HTA conference booking up


    Bookings are now being taken for the HTA catering conference.

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    1 in 7 growers 'in peril'


    A new league table from financial analysts Plimsoll Publishing suggests that 1 in 7 UK fresh produce companies are currently at risk of failure.