All Production & Trade articles – Page 1424
South East growers in catering link-up
Local growers are being provided with a link to catering-service buyers in south-east England as part of a government strategy to increase the uptake of locally grown food in schools, hospitals and care homes.
Opportunities open up for fresh-cut and organic herbs
There is plenty of opportunity for fresh-cut and organic herbs to expand UK sales, although the latest research indicates that there is a decline in the growing-herb sector within a market where preferences differ widely according to region.
UK farming outlook is mixed
The NFU’s Economics Department has released its latest Farming Outlook quarterly report, predicting mixed fortunes for the various sectors.
SA avo crop damaged by frost
The South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA) has revised crop estimates for this season downwards following heavy frosts three weeks ago.
New grapes on Dole books
Dole’s South African grape division will be managing Moroccan table grapes for the first time this season.
Shoppers assess produce departments
US shoppers generally give their local supermarkets’ produce departments good ratings for their service, although new consumer research from the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) suggests there is room for improvement and points to where some of those opportunities may lie.
Global BRC certification for Southampton
Southampton Fruit Handling Ltd has received the new BRC global standard certification for storage and distribution issued by SGS.
Solid outlook for horticulture
The NFU’s Economics Department has released its latest Farming Outlook quarterly report, predicting mixed fortunes for the various sectors.
FACE puts growers in the picture
FACE has recruited a range of growers to its programme via the Royal Cornwall show.
FTA warns the government
The Freight Transport Association’s (FTA) new paper titled 'UK port development', published on June 15, includes a warning to the government.
Chiquita reveals price drop in Q2 results
Banana giant Chiquita has revealed that prices for the fruit in its core European markets were down one per cent year on year on a local currency basis for the first quarter of 2007.
GrowHow looks for knowhow on Nitrogen
Kemira GrowHow is calling for greater perspective in the environmental debate surrounding the use of nitrogen fertilisers.
Hail storms damage Spanish crops
Cherry and plum growers in the Extremadura region of Spain, to the west of Madrid, are counting the cost of hail storms, after looking forward to the prospect of bumper crops.
Fresh Direct supports educational drive
Fresh Direct, leading supplier of fresh produce to the UK foodservice industry, has supported R&RW Bartlett to educate schoolkids on the origins of fresh produce
EuroBlight give Bayer top rating
At the EuroBlight workshop in Bologna, Italy, held in May of this year, Bayer CropScience´s Infinito (fluopicolide + propamocarb-HCI) received the best combined rating of all established or newly-developed potato fungicides, the company reported.
Dieticians and trade should work together
Dieticians are the free mouthpiece of the fruit and vegetable industry but believe there is more the trade could do with them to increase consumption.
King announces plans
At IGD's Sainsbury's Trade Briefing, held on Thursday 7th June, Justin King, Sainsbury's chief executive, outlined his plans for the next three years as the retailer moves from the recovery phase to one of growth.
Kernock gives massive cheque
Kernock Park Plants has presented a cheque for over £21,000 to Kew Gardens as a contribution for the part Kew played in the initial launch of the Wollemi Pine in 2006.