All Production & Trade articles – Page 1421

  • Anna Johnson accepts the award from The Lord Mayor of Manchester

    Harvest Salads scoops innovation prize


    Hull-based firm Home Harvest Salads has won The Business Innovation of the Year Award at the 2007 National Business Awards North East of England regional programme.

  • Green film shows polytunnel promise

    Green film shows polytunnel promise


    Growers living in sensitive areas where residents complain about polytunnels could be set for a boost after new trials into the feasibility of green film suggested they may be commercially viable.

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    HDC reveals four berry prospects


    The HDC has revealed the results of its summer fruit raspberry variety trial.

  • Gwyther slams AWB

    Gwyther slams AWB


    HTA director general David Gwyther has launched a furious attack on the Agriculture Wages Board after the AWB ratified much-criticised proposals for a new wages order.

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    Bananas washed out


    Floods in Costa Rica and high winds in the Dominican Republic are causing problems for banana growers.

  • Ronald Bown

    Chile set to address sector crisis


    The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association is calling for 1,000 delegates to come to an emergency industry meeting on August 8 to urge the national government to take action in the face of the Chilean fruit sector’s “dramatic loss of competitiveness”.

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    Panama call for diversification


    Panamanian labour minister Reynaldo Rivera has surprised the banana sector in his central American country by saying the trade is “especially delicate” and that producers should look to other crops.

  • Vegetable alarms ringing

    Vegetable alarms ringing


    The wettest June on record and a below-par July so far mean that most crops are suffering at a time when demand for them is unseasonably high.

  • Lineker goes local for Walkers

    Lineker goes local for Walkers


    Gary Lineker is going local. The Walkers mascot will front a new series of campaigns for the company in September, as the firm attempts to cash in on local sourcing initiatives.

  • Energy crisis hits citrus

    Energy crisis hits citrus


    The energy crisis in Argentina is affecting the citrus sector and will have an impact on lemon exports, sector leaders warn.

  • Grower's price: €0.50, Retailer's price: €1.55

    Irish retailers milk margins


    A head of cauliflower in Ireland more than quadruples in price between the time it leaves the grower’s farm and arrives on the supermarket shelf, according to a new survey.

  • Cox: +15 per cent

    English growers set to be stretched


    English top-fruit growers are unlikely to be able to meet the demand of their multiple customers this season, despite encouraging early crop forecasts.

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    Destructive moth found in California - again


    The destructive Light Brown Apple Moth has been found again in California, although it has not yet been traced in Central Valley.

  • WTO launches banana investigation

    WTO launches banana investigation


    The World Trade Organisation (WTO) today launched a panel to investigate whether the European Union (EU) has upheld a prior verdict against its banana import rules.

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    CLA: widen the local debate


    The Country Land and Business Association has called for an extension of the debate on local sourcing.

  • md John Dennis

    John Dennis in liquidation


    Barnsley-based John Dennis Fresh Produce went into liquidation on Monday.

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    Moverley wants to RASE awareness


    The overall picture for UK farming appears gloomy, but awareness is now building that the sector cannot be allowed to die, according to John Moverley, chief executive of the Royal Agricultural Society of England

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    Fepex to harmonise Spanish protocols


    Spanish producer and exporter federation Fepex is to develop new, harmonised GAP protocols for the country’s fresh produce sector.

  • LFP spring onion growers Philip Lilley, left, and Rob Moss

    UK spring onions make splash at Asda


    Lincolnshire Field Products (LFP) launched its new, certified organic spring onions into Asda stores for the very first time last week.

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    Farmers well placed to fight climate change


    Farmers have plenty of options at their fingertips to help adapt to climate change, NFU President Peter Kendall has said.