All Production & Trade articles – Page 1410
Baxter to resign over levy-board changes
Clive Baxter, one of the industry’s most respected top fruit leaders, is to resign from his role with the Horticultural Development Council (HDC) before the new levy board structure comes into place next year.
Crop Solutions unveiled
A brand-new name in the crop cover market was revealed this week, with the launch of Crop Solutions Ltd.
Rubens harvest starts this week
Rubens, the Italian bred Elstar/Gala cross which has been under trial for the last three years in Kent, will be harvested this week.
Brassica shake-up on the horizon
Emmett UK Ltd has reached an agreement to purchase the shares of brassica supplier TA Smith & Co (Tasco).
Rallying cry for industry training
Leading industry figures have issued a rallying cry to the UK's food and drinks manufacturers, calling on them to lend their full support to the drive to improve skills across the sector's workforce.
New soil conditioner for organic products
The Soil Association and Organic Farmers & Growers have approved a new soil conditioning product for organic growers.
Kaki sendings rise
Kaki production in the Valencia region is forecast to climb by 10 per cent this season.
Herb sales rocket
The latest research from Mintel shows that UK consumption of fresh herbs is spiralling - sales have blossomed by more than half in the last five years alone, to reach £46 million this year.
Israel's fruit values on the up
The value of the fruit sector in Israel grew by 10 per cent in 2007, to NIS 2.8 billion (£345 million), according to Ilan Eshel, general manager of the Israel Fruit Growers’ Association.
Xmas tree advice for public
The British Christmas Tree Growers’ Association has released a new fact sheet offering members of the public its top tips on this Christmas’ tree trends.
New window for UK trade
Import and export guidance across government departments are being brought together by a new IT solution; The International Trade Single Window.
China extends export regulation
China is to ban from export to any market fruit grown on unregistered orchards or handled in unregistered packhouses, with effect from November 1.
Fuel duty increase will impact on everyone
The Freight Transport Association says that next Monday’s (October 1) increase in fuel duty by 2p per litre will inevitably impact on the whole population.
BPC lays down challenge
The BPC has laid down the challenge to find the nation's tastiest potato dish.
Spinach shortage beckons
English growers have been warned that spinach seed, provided mainly from Denmark, will be in shorter supply for next year's crop.
Tory report praised
The NFU has hailed the Conservative Party’s ‘Quality of Life’ report as ‘an important contribution to the debate on present and future role of agriculture and on the place of British farmers in national life’.
Waitrose brings sloe berries to the fast lane
Sloe berries are to hit the capital by making their debut in Waitrose stores across London.
Horti Fair award shortlist announced
A total of 19 new products have been shortlisted for the Horti Fair Innovation Award 2007 by the international trade jury.
HTA calls for Scottish SPS feedback
The HTA is asking its members in Scotland for their views on how and when the Single Payment Scheme for nurseries should be brought in.
Murder hunt at fruit farm
A murder hunt has been launched after the body of a man was discovered at a fruit farm near Peterborough.