All Production & Trade articles – Page 1309
Chiquita reports banana price rise
Banana prices increased on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean during October-November, the US fresh produce giant has reported
New Zealand tariffs escalate
New Zealand pays almost NZ$200 million (£73m) in export tariffs on produce each year, according to a study released last week.
Impressive start for Capespan in Namibia
Capespan's Ronan Lennon has been impressed with the quality of the Namibian table grape crop
Namibia hopes for vintage year
Namibia is expecting a vintage grape season with spiralling exports.
Australia reopens for NZ tomatoes and capsicums
New Zealand tomatoes and capsicum peppers will be allowed back into Australia under revised biosecurity measures
Malaysia looks for Australian access
Malaysia is seeking Australian access for its agricultural products during a visit to Canberra
Good crop boosts South Africa's plum drive
South Africa's January plum campaign in the UK will be backed by a high-quality crop, according to Stefan Conradie
Peru unveils asparagus benchmark
The newly established production and post-harvest standard comes in response to new COOL labeling laws in the US
Rain hits Costa Rican bananas
Up to 10,000ha of bananas could be lost, according to local press reports in the country
Moroccan goods head to Portsmouth
The port of Portsmouth is seeing a rapid expansion in the volume of Moroccan produce arriving this season, both for UK and continental customers.
Customs watches fruit shipments
Philippine fruit import shipments are under the microscope this month for contraband vegetables
EU banana talks could start afresh
Discussions between the EU and Latin American banana exporters could return to square one when World Trade Organisation talks resume
Almería and Murcia suffer cold snap
Harsh weather conditions in south-eastern Spain have been affecting production of winter vegetable and salad lines.
Mexican grape exports to fall in 2008/09
The country will see production of table grapes drop 3.8 per cent, the USDA said
Spanish deal with citrus crisis
The spanish citrus sector was this week facing unrest as grower groups stepped up pressure for a general strike.
Gomez and Bartle win top Tesco awards
Tesco celebrated its inaugural Supplier & Grower Awards in London on November 20.
Chinese citrus production rises
China’s end of year citrus production will have increased 10 per cent over 2007, according to the USDA
Storm aids Florida grapefruit crop
The hurricane season brought added moisture to the fruit, but high winds hindered the containment of citrus canker
Californian strawberry fields forever
California’s strawberry crop is expected to hit a record volume for the second season running this year
Government to control Australia’s Murray-Darling
The Australian federal government is set to assume control of the Murray-Darling Basin, the country’s premiere horticulture region