All Production & Trade articles – Page 1221
Tunisia plans citrus campaign
With the Tunisian citrus season just getting underway, the country’s minister of trade is looking for ways to boost exports
Fyffes expects top-end earnings
Fyffes has revised its earnings target for 2009 toward the upper end of expectations announced four months ago.
Fruit fly detected in Mildura
A fruit fly outbreak has put the start of Australia's Mildura table grape export season at risk
Free trade does little for Australia
Five years into a free trade deal between Australia and the US and horticulture industry insiders say not much has changed
Florida assessing citrus freeze damage
Industry could take weeks to calculate overall impact on crops after a further cold snap hit the US state on Monday morning
Cold poses problems in France
Throughout France, the heavy snow and cold conditions have caused difficulties for retailers and growers alike
EC defends trade deal with Morocco
European agriculture minister Marianne Fischer Boel describes pact with Morocco as “good deal” for member states
Florida avoids widespread citrus losses
Temperatures expected to reach their lowest point yet as growers in the state battle to protect their citrus crops
Concern over Canaries tomato shipments
The cold weather conditions across Europe have delayed shipments of Canary Islands tomatoes from reaching clients
Australian grape growers sweating
The latest heat wave across south eastern Australia has compounded table grape grower concerns
Pakistan pushes Indonesia on kinnows
Pakistan is continuing to chase a drop in kinnow tariffs in trade negotiations with Indonesia
Korean potatoes enter Singapore
Korean sweet potatoes have hit the Singaporean market with a shipment of 17.5 tonnes
Fyffes outlines earnings target
Group expects 2009 earnings to be somewhere near top end of €18m-€22m targeted in September forecast
Spain counts cost of floods
The Andalusian region of Granada has lost 20 per cent of tomato and cucumber crops after weeks of heavy rains and flooding
Prince de Bretagne gets seasonal
For 2010, French vegetable marketer Prince de Bretagne has big ideas for its new innovative seasonal package
Dutch fresh produce sales fall sharply
Productschap Tuinbouw reveals dramatic decrease in sales of fresh fruit, vegetables and mushrooms, although onions fared better
USDA assists Afghan farmers
US agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack will visit Afghanistan, as the USDA aims to boost the country’s agriculture sector after years of war
Spanish close 2009 with export values down
Spanish produce exports have ended 2009 down in both volume and value on 2008, according to estimated figures released by Fepex, the national federation of producer-exporter associations.
Australian stonefruit looks to Russia
Australian stonefruit growers are exploring marketing opportunities in Russia in a bid to increase exports, but some are urging caution
Asian Citrus winter crop jumps
Asian Citrus’s 2009 winter orange yield rose 42 per cent over 2008 on the back of increasing production at Xinfeng