All Production & Trade articles – Page 1065
Slump in export sales for Almeria
Spanish province sees exports drop dramatically, although good watermelon sales bring relief
Call to develop disease resistant banana
Dire predictions for the future of the Filipino banana industry as fast-spreading fungal disease re-emerges
Agrexco UK pleased to shake 'rigid' limitations
Agrexco is embarking on a “new beginning” with new UK headquarters and potential supply links around the globe.
NFU pushes for new SAWS to engage UK workers
The National Farmers’ Union has unveiled proposals for a new Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS) that includes training initiatives and welfare-benefit adjustments to try to encourage more UK citizens to take up jobs in horticulture.
Auction signals end of line for Fresh Fruit Services
Sheerness produce packer Fresh Fruit Services has been placed into liquidation.
Thai floods add to vegetable price hikes in Malaysia
Vegetable prices in Malaysia spike on the back of heavy rains there and extensive flooding in Thailand
Chiquita reports US$29m loss
Multinational benefits from favourable currency rates for bananas, but poor salads performance adds to loss
South African grape exports to increase
South African Table Grape Industry expects a yearly increase of up to 3m cartons for the country's export crop
Spanish onion exports grow
Producers experiencing strong export season and now looking for further growth in Latin America
Mango volume on the up
US arrivals of fresh mangoes have risen in the last week thanks to a boost in sendings from Ecuador
NFU asks buyers to sleigh Christmas price cuts
Growers are hoping buyers will focus on securing volume and relaxing pressures on price over the Christmas period, the National Farmers Union (NFU) has said.
Protestors close Port of Oakland
Trade at one of the busiest ports in the US has ground to a halt as anti-corporate greed protestors gather in Oakland, California
Russian consumers eating more fruit
New research highlighted by USDA suggests Russian consumer spending on fruit, particularly in urban areas, has grown
Article to merge with BGB
Grower group confirms plan to join forces with counterparts from Best Growers Benelux and form Dutch vegetable giant
UKAS grants plant-health approval
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has granted the UK’s first accreditation for plant health inspection to the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA).
Exporters ‘optimistic’ for Spanish citrus
Lack of rainfall leading to smaller, but sweeter fruit, with growers hopeful of better returns
Biotechnology key to agri future
Exosect CEO Martin Brown tells the CropWorld Conference that biotechnology will play an important role in feeding future generations
Spuds up in France
Potato production in France is anticipated to rise significantly during the 2011/12 campaign
RPA payments reach £7.5 million
The Rural Payments Agency has announced it has paid out some £7.5 million to producer organisations.
Pipfruit NZ slams fireblight “porkies”
Pipfruit NZ has accused Australian politicians of telling “porkies” regarding the risk of fireblight to Australia from apple imports