Potato news archive – Page 94

  • Antony Worrall Thompson shares spud secrets

    Antony Worrall Thompson shares spud secrets


    TV chef and household name Antony Worrall Thompson pulled in the crowds at British Potato 2007, with a series of cooking demonstrations at the Greenvale AP stand.

  • Walker accepting his award

    David Walker honoured for contribution to potato industry


    The British Potato Industry Award was last week presented to David Walker, who has chaired the British Potato Council (BPC) for 10 years.

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    Israeli veg exports rose in 2006


    The value of Israel's fresh produce exports in 2006 amounted to NIS4.6 billion ((£581 million), according to a study by the economic department of the ministry of agriculture.

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    Packhouse new star at David's Fruit


    Israeli sweet potato specialist David’s Fruit has announced the opening of a specially designed packhouse for the product, which will boost packing capacity by 400 per cent.

  • Sean Rickard

    UK missing GM boat


    The UK is missing the GM boat and it will cost the industry in the future, Séan Rickard, from Cranfield University, warned at British Potato 2007.

  • Janet Bainbridge will be chairman of the PCL

    British Potato Council to be replaced next year


    The representation of the UK potato industry is set for a major overhaul next year, when the British Potato Council (BPC) will be replaced by the Potato Council Limited (PCL), and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) will come into play.

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    Fruit and veg prices soar by 23 per cent


    The price of fruit and vegetables has reached its highest point in three years, with a typical basket of fresh produce costing 23 per cent more than it did in July.

  • Greenvale AP unveils new foodservice brand

    Greenvale AP unveils new foodservice brand


    A new potato brand has hit the foodservice sector with the introduction of Vale’s Fresh - part of Greenvale AP - last week.

  • Feast of the East

    Feast of the East


    Spanning no less than six counties, Anglia is the home of a multitude of growers and fresh produce businesses. Elizabeth O’Keefe clocked up more than 300 miles in visiting just a few of the fresh produce companies the eastern region has to offer

  • Bold FARMA smiles

    Bold FARMA smiles


    The FARMA annual conference reflected dynamism and confidence in two key market sectors, writes Bill Sherer. New streams of funding in 2008 are set to move the sector onto another level

  • International Year of the Potato wins support

    International Year of the Potato wins support


    The British Potato Council (BPC) has pledged its support for the UN-backed International Year of the Potato, which kicks off in January, and is aiming to highlight the opportunities it will offer the UK industry.

  • New spud store test

    New spud store test


    A scientist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the US has developed a test to help growers identify good storage quality potatoes while still in the field.

  • Spuds pull through the storm

    Spuds pull through the storm


    The British Potato Council (BPC) has done a sterling job supporting the UK industry, providing best practice advice for growers, making strides in marketing and promotion, and building solidarity across the sector. Anna Sbuttoni headed to the BPC head office in Oxford ahead of its biennial event, British Potato 2007.

  • Herbert’s twin big bag tipper

    Grand designs


    A growing armoury of equipment is available to the root crop sector. Designed to help producers and processors cut their costs and achieve maximum efficiency, the diverse range of products is enough to make the layman’s eyes boggle. Doris Lee Butterworth dons her technological spectacles to find out more.

  • Online produce has shorter shelf life

    Online produce has shorter shelf life


    Fresh produce bought online may have a shorter shelf life than that bought in store, a new report has claimed.

  • The BPC runs the Grow Your Own Potatoes scheme in the UK

    Irish kids to grow their own potatoes


    A new subject is to be added to the primary school curriculum in the Irish Republic next year - the art of growing prize-winning potatoes.

  • Not the end of the world for Finistère

    Not the end of the world for Finistère


    The Finistère area of Brittany is home to two giants of French vegetable production, as well as laboratories and high-tech firms specialising in natural plant protection. Tradition and the future sit side-by-side in a district facing up to the brave new world of the European vegetable sector. Philippe Gautier reports.

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    Yorkshire potatoes make it into crisps bags


    English Farming and Food Partnerships (EFFP) has brought together two Yorkshire-based companies, Seabrooks Crisps and Wold Produce, to produce a new range of crisps made with local potatoes.

  • Asda gets impish with Pixie

    Asda gets impish with Pixie


    Last week saw the launch of British Pixie potatoes into Asda through the retailer’s Extra Special range.

  • Potato campaign hots up

    Potato campaign hots up


    Two key messages from the British Potato Council’s (BPC) awareness campaign - that potatoes are healthy and low in fat - have made an impact on UK consumers, a study has found.