Potato news archive – Page 73

  • Potato sector makes most of delayed start to new crop

    Potato sector makes most of delayed start to new crop


    The potato category is busy shifting the maincrop before the new season starts, this time two weeks late as a result of the big freeze in January and February. However, only the best stocks are securing good prices and it has not been easy for growers and suppliers. Anna Sbuttoni reports

  • potatoes

    Potato Board welcomes new members


    Tom Vilsack appoints 27 new members to serve on the National Potato Promotion Board

  • A convenient way of life

    A convenient way of life


    Fresh produce companies are targeting the convenience sector with gusto and considerable successes are being achieved. Doris Lee Butterworth reports

  • Helen Evans, right, says that the situation has progressed significantly in recent years

    The female touch


    The gender imbalance in fresh produce has long been a subject for discussion within the industry and recent comments from trade minister Lord Davies once again highlighted the lack of women at board level across UK business. Alex Lawson takes a look at how produce is tackling the issue

  • South West industry comes into its own

    South West industry comes into its own


    A vast and rich region, the South West is known for its extended vegetable seasons, most noticeably in its many cauliflower, spring greens and potato fields. But its remote location and lack of sufficient distribution links have always proved a disadvantage - until now. Elizabeth O’Keefe takes a whistlestop tour of the area and finds that the buy-local trend has never suited a region so well

  • The on-pack promotion will be supported by a TV ad campaign

    Disney boost for Rooster


    Albert Bartlett has secured a deal with Disney’s Toy Story 3 movie for its Rooster potato brand.

  • Bayer's Paul Goddard with Greenvale West Midlands agronomist Ben Naylor

    Bayer hosts stewardship series


    Bayer CropScience ran a series of Monceren stewardship workshops in partnership with Branston, Greenvale AP, McCain Foods and Team Sprayers last month.

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    Government buys more British


    More government departments are sourcing more British produce year on year, a report from DEFRA issued at the end of last month has shown.

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    Irish growers set up breakaway group


    A group of vegetable and fruit growers in north county Dublin, the heart of the Irish industry, has broken away from the powerful Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) to set up their own organisation.

  • (L-r) East Midlands Development Agency  skills and communities director Andrew Morgan, Dan Norris MP, Branston project director Vee Gururajan and Richard Barker chief executive officer of Biogen Greenfinch

    Branston digestor offers DEFRA insight


    DEFRA parliamentary under secretary Dan Norris visited fresh produce supplier Branston Ltd to gain an insight into how the company turns waste potatoes into electricity.

  • Pettitt became the youngest ever NFU horticulture chair last year

    NFU's Pettitt takes on extra role


    National Farmers’ Union (NFU) horticulture board chairman Sarah Pettitt has been named the NFU’s new county chairman in Holland (Lincs).

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    Trials endorse BackRow for weeds


    Potato growers are juggling with fewer herbicides and lower dose rates, yet they still need to remove weed competition early and effectively, according to new research.

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    Europe's first GM potato gains approval


    The EU has approved the cultivation of the genetically modified Amflora potato, sparking protests across Europe.

  • BASF Amflora potatoes

    EC approves BASF's Amflora potato


    Leading chemical company wins European approval for the commercial cultivation of its genetically modified starch potato

  • The Jerseys are now on sale

    Asda puts first Jerseys on sale


    Asda has put its first Jersey Royals of the season on sale, with long-term supplier QV Foods getting behind the flagship British potato as part of its Season’s Best campaign.

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    Irish growers issue fair trade warning


    Growers in the Irish Republic are paid €360 (£317) a tonne for potatoes - but when the potatoes reach the supermarket and are sold in 2.5kg bags, the effective price of the tonne increases to €1,600.

  • First Jersey Royals enter Tesco

    First Jersey Royals enter Tesco


    Tesco received its first delivery of loose Jersey Royal potatoes of the year on Wednesday.

  • Guy McCracken

    Former M&S and Co-op man joins Branston


    Guy McCracken, a former Marks & Spencer managing director and the man who played a leading role in the turnaround of The Co-operative’s food business, is to join Branston Ltd as chairman.

  • Nioka Abbott of WINFA is in the UK for Fairtrade Fortnight

    Fairtrade Fortnight challenges shoppers to Big Swap ahead of fruit campaign


    Fairtrade Fortnight kicked off this week and is themed The Big Swap, in a push to get UK consumers to switch one of their everyday items for one carrying the Fairtrade mark. The promotional activities will encompass a range of Fairtrade products, including bananas and fresh fruit. Here, Anna Sbuttoni looks at expectations for the promotional fortnight and for the ethical movement as a whole

  • Italian potatoes

    Italian potato sector "in collapse"


    Low prices and intense competition said to be placing Italian producers under huge pressure following "disastrous" 2009