Potato news archive – Page 66

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    New pack formats bring extra dimension to veg


    It’s amazing how quickly bulk carry-home packs of potatoes have caught on in the retail trade. When the idea was tested

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    Potato Council heads for Berlin


    The Potato Council will be at Fruit Logistica promoting the benefits to growers of cultivating seed potatoes from the GB Safe Haven Certification Scheme.

  • Taking the direct approach

    Taking the direct approach


    As supermarkets look to take more control over the supply chain to strip out costs and be more competitive on price, Michael Barker examines the evolution of direct sourcing and asks what suppliers need to do to succeed in the developing market

  • A novel approach to home food production

    A novel approach to home food production


    Thanks to climate change and the evolution of technology, the boundaries between what can be grown in the UK and what must be imported are starting to blur. David Shapley takes a look at the development of non-native fresh produce and asks how much further plant breeding in this climate can go

  • Graham Young

    Young departs at Barfoots of Botley


    One of the industry’s most charismatic figures has left his post during a boardroom shake up at Barfoots of Botley.

  • The Rooster ads have been a hit

    Hollywood star helps Bartlett to £10m profit


    Albert Bartlett is reaping the benefits of its “biggest investment to date” after its Marcia Cross Rooster TV campaign helped the company to a huge profit increase.

  • QV Foods has a makeover

    QV Foods has a makeover


    QV Foods has launched a new look for its Inspire potato range.

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    Celebrity clout works wonders for brands


    Celebrities are funny old things, aren’t they? We delight in their successes and even more so in their failures, loving

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    Verdict reached in potato separator case


    An argument over a potato separator has been settled in court after a legal wrangle over its components.

  • The new year brings hope to prepared produce sector

    The new year brings hope to prepared produce sector


    The prepared fruit and vegetable enters 2011 with a strong hand and an industry brimming with new product launches. Elizabeth O’Keefe takes a look at what’s happening at a retail level and the latest trends

  • A year to remember

    A year to remember


    With Christmas almost upon us, it’s time to ruminate on what’s been another extraordinary year for the industry. And so we give you the inaugural FPJ End of Year Awards, where we doff our collective caps to the weird and wonderful events that have caught our eyes this year, and hand out a few gongs of our own. Disagree with our selection? Let us know who you would have voted for

  • The death of the label?

    The death of the label?


    In light of the news that sticky labels could be ousted in favour of “tattooed” information on fruit and vegetables, Elizabeth O’Keefe asks what’s next for labelling and whether the industry is delivering what consumers really want and need

  • There has been calls for more emphasis on herbs

    Irish create team to boost fresh production


    An eight-member team has been appointed by Irish horticulture minister Ciaran Cuffe to implement recommendations aimed at boosting the output and value of the Republic’s fresh produce sector.

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    Snow fails to stop a steady stream of new varieties


    It’s been an interesting exercise to see how the multiples have rearranged their wares in the last week, with fresh

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    Potatoes come into their own in Christmas lead up


    Potatoes may not be the most attractive product on the shelves but over the last few weeks no one can deny that there are more

  • Export game threatens to destabilise UK potato industry

    Export game threatens to destabilise UK potato industry


    In the crucial run up to Christmas, all remains stable in the UK potato market. However, fears over being drawn into market volatility created by shortages on the continent continue to dog the trade. Alex Lawson reports on a rapidly developing situation

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    Retailers line up Christmas deals as countdown begins


    It is still six weeks or so away, but there is no doubt that Christmas is coming as far as the multiples are concerned. Even

  • Potato growers face further levy charges

    Potato growers face further levy charges


    The Potato Council is seeking a three per cent levy-rate increase from the potato industry for the second consecutive year.

  • Bumper Irish potato crop thrives

    Bumper Irish potato crop thrives


    Growers in the Irish Republic have enjoyed such a bumper potato crop this season that supplies are now being exported to mainland Europe for the first time in years.

  • Simon Townsend

    Signum gains lettuce approval


    The protectant and systemic-acting fungicide Signum has been reapproved for lettuce and strawberries following the produce’s removal earlier in the year.