Potato news archive – Page 134

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    NFU slams seed system


    Farmers' representatives clash with their counterparts in the seed-breeding industry over potato seed.

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    BPC storage warning


    High autumn temperatures put the quality of stored potatoes in jeopardy.

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    Potato crop below average again


    Potato crop rises from last year, but is still below the four-year average.Growers battle against problems of disease.

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    BPC pat on the back


    The British Potato Council is congratulating itself on the success of its latest maincrop consumer campaign.

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    NFU backs BPC levy rise


    The National Farmers Union says it will support proposals to increase the British Potato Council annual levy to £40 a hectare.

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    Organic baby boom


    Organic vegetable supplier, RB Organic, has expanded into the baby foods and ready meals markets.

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    Honduran export expansion


    The government in Honduras is making funds available to develop further non-traditional fruit and vegetable exports.

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    Nadine pips Cara


    The BPC's latest plantings estimates for the UK potato crop reveals a shift in emphasis at the top of the variety league tables.

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    Kids cook up potato knowledge


    BPC launches school cooking contest to improve knowledge of the potato.

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    Hemington retires


    Stuart Hemington of Branston Potatoes, pictured centre with fellow directors, was presented with a silver salver at his last board meeting before retiring.

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    Defra on the defensive


    The department for the environment, farming and rural affairs rebuts a recent Friends of the Earth report on pesticides testing in the UK.

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    Belgian spud waxes lyrical


    An estimated 2,000 tonnes of waxy Flandria potatoes are expected to be available through the Belgian auctions this season.

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    Trade flocks to potato showcase


    A high proportion of the British potato industry put in an appearance at this week's British Potato 2001 event at Newark, Notts.

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    Organic target reached


    One of the UK's leading suppliers of organic root vegetables is celebrating its first two years by increasing investment.

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    WCF and Branston form potato alliance


    Branston Potatoes and WCF join forces. Together the two form Tesco's largest supplier.

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    Growers seek seed information


    A BPC survey has shown that potato growers need more information about the seeds they purchase.

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    Profits on a plate for potato growers


    British potato growers told that biodegradable packaging may provide a welcome new outlet for their product.

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    BPC wants potato lovers


    The BPC steps up its search for volunteers to promote the crop in-store.

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    HRI to stage organic open day


    Horticulture Research International is to hold a one-day organics event for existing and potential growers at its Kirton site in September.

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    Multiples react to prince's plea


    The supermarkets will stock more locally grown produce.Prince Charles claimed buying locally would help the rural recovery.