Potato news archive – Page 129

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    Vitacress gets Muddy Boots to assure traceability


    Vitacress is based near Andover in Hampshire and on arriving at its offices it is clear to see that this is an organisation

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    Producers shun futures at their peril


    Potato producers who fail to make use of futures markets are placing good returns at risk in this season of extremely low plantings, warns potato futures broker ADM Investor Services International.

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    Sainsbury's gets back to its roots


    Sainsbury's customers are now able to trace all British organic fruit and vegetables back to the farm on which they were grown via a new website.

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    US potato blight breakthrough


    A US university has discovered a gene to protect against potato blight.

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    Potato plantings hit new low


    New forecasts out today predict UK total potato plantings for 2003 will fall by 13.4 per cent on 2002 levels to a historical low of 120,100ha.

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    Norway signs EU deal


    Unconfirmed reports from a source close to the European Commission indicate that Norway has signed a ?30million trade liberalisation deal with the EU.

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    Interfarm recommends potato protection


    Interfarm UK Ltd is advising potato growers to switch to a stronger foliar protectant product as crops face the potential problems of disease

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    Greenvale AP exercises Restrain


    Supermarket supplier Greenvale AP has made a breakthrough in non-chemical post-harvest treatment of potatoes.

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    Belgian potatoes show early promise


    Flandria early potatoes have got off to a promising start, the season has started earlier than anticipated and Belgian auctions are expecting a 10-15 per cent increase in supply.

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    BPC's health drive


    The BPC is launching a campaign reminding consumers of the health benefits of eating potatoes

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    Higgins Thais up potato deal


    The Higgins group has deemed its potato trials in Thailand a success following the April harvest

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    British Potato Council's bus misused


    The British Potato Council's promotional bus has attracted widespread attention – for handing out Israeli spuds.

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    Sainsbury's "first for fresh"


    Sainsbury's went on the road last week to launch its new "first for fresh" campaign to all of the chain's duty and produce managers and today launched it to the national press.

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    Safeway gets in first


    Safeway's Ayr store showcased the first Ayrshire tatties of the year this weekend.

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    Potato controller launched


    A new potato store controller has been launched with the facility to keep historical records and maintain crop condition automatically.

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    Soft fruit man speaks out


    Harry Hall told Certis guests at the House of Commons of the adaptation of the Hall Hunter Partnership to market requirements

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    New organic chairman calls for fair trade


    Newly elected chairman of Organic Farmers & Growers (OF&G) Richard Thompson called for fair trade conditions for UK producers.

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    Asda backs Britain


    Asda launched a Buy British campaign for all 259 of its stores at its annual farming conference today.

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    Chipping away at the consumer


    The British Potato Council's National Chip Week has generated huge media interest and boosted potato sales.

  • Some onions in a field

    Cyprus singing through the rains


    Shortages in supply have pushed prices to a premium for Cypriot potatoes in recent seasons ñ a situation that may well occur again this year. Yet against a backdrop of uncertainty created by erratic weather conditions and sporadic liftings, producers and distributors remain unswayed. Expect a buoyant year for the country's top export crop, writes Emma Hardy.