Potato news archive – Page 110

  • Alan Owens

    Greenvale taken into private hands


    Potato supplier Greenvale Holdings plc group (Greenvale) has been taken into private ownership by a purpose-built company.

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    Whatever happened to the seasons?


    The rising availability of imported fresh produce means shoppers have little idea about British fruit and veg seasons, new research has found.

  • Pesticide sector answers its critics

    Pesticide sector answers its critics


    It seems everyone has an opinion about pesticides, or perhaps more precisely, the use of pesticides. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to pesticide producers about the challenges facing them

  • Chip Week achieves 50-fold return

    Chip Week achieves 50-fold return


    A media campaign for National Chip Week 2006 has boosted consumer sales and brought a 50-fold return on investment, according to the British Potato Council (BPC).

  • Branston brings out local spuds

    Branston brings out local spuds


    Dedicated Tesco potato supplier Branston Ltd is marking the start of the Cornish and Pembrokeshire potato seasons with a series of local events in Tesco stores.

  • Sweet potatoes lead the charge

    Sweet potatoes lead the charge


    Exotic sweet potatoes have the fastest growing sales of any vegetable on-shelf in the UK, according to independent retail analysts TNS.

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    Chips are up for BPC


    The British Potato Council has hailed National Chip Week 2006 a success, after the industry’s levy-funded media campaign effectively boosted consumer sales.

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    Local spuds for Welsh Asda


    Locally grown and packed Pembrokeshire new potatoes will be available to customers of Pembroke Dock Asda this spring.

  • Greenvale in early at Sainsbury's

    Greenvale in early at Sainsbury's


    Greenvale AP has delivered the first of this season’s home-grown new potatoes to Sainsbury’s stores as part of the Local First for Fresh campaign for 2006.

  • David Higgins

    Higgins expands down under


    Higgins Group, a leading potato supplier in Europe, is expanding its global operations with the appointment of an Australian agent to market two of its varieties down under.

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    Greenvale gains Royal approval


    Greenvale is celebrating after being awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for Innovation.

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    Natures Way takes the Linkfresh path


    Information technology is playing an ever increasing role in the arena of fresh produce. This month we take a look at some of the issues and systems that are shaping the sector, from the success Natures Way Marketing has had with its IT update, to the work GS1 UK is doing to standardise data in the market.

  • Egyptian faith pays dividends

    Egyptian faith pays dividends


    Amid rising freight rates and heavy competition some Egyptian producers are enjoying rich rewards for their advantageous period of availibility. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Retailers offer a Royal weekend


    Jersey Royals have hit two top retailers in time for Easter - two weeks earlier than last year.

  • Cyprus adapts approach

    Cyprus adapts approach


    Fresh produce exports from Cyprus have fallen sharply in recent years. The necessary technical expertise is there in abundance but can the sector face up to the marketing demands of the 21st century? Elspeth Waters visited the island to determine the status quo, and report separately on the citrus, potato, veg and herb sectors.

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    Israel juggles higher volumes and costs


    Exports and costs were up across Israel’s agricultural sector at the end of last year, according to recent reports.

  • Right Royal rift resolved

    Right Royal rift resolved


    It may be facing a later start than producers would have liked, but things are looking quite rosy for the Jersey Royal potato industry. Ed Bedington reports

  • Horticulture leads the way at NFU

    Horticulture leads the way at NFU


    From employment to plant health to energy costs, the NFU’s trailblazing horticulture board is on the case.

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    Retailers resurrect fruit for Easter


    The message that Easter is on the way is already being trumpeted loudly in the aisles of most retail outlets. And while the

  • Mack and Geest sign jv

    Mack and Geest sign jv


    Mack and Geest have set up a jv to manage their potato and conventional and organic vegetable business with Marks & Spencer.