All Portugal articles – Page 10
Porto chosen for first Mercadona store in Portugal
The supermarket is planning an initial investment of €25m in Portugal that will see four stores open in 2019
Healthy man of Europe? Brits top five-a-day poll
Just one in seven in the EU eating five portions of fruit or veg a day, with one in three failing to eat any, says new report
Nergi breaks 3m-punnet mark
A record volume of Nergi kiwiberries will be marketed in Europe, Asia and Canada this season, with demand rising due to the product’s taste and convenience
EU to harvest fewer apples and pears
World Apple & Pear Association expresses "careful optimism" about new season prospects, although challenges remain
Strawberry sales down but catching up
A late season and unpredictable weather caused some volume challenges over Wimbledon fortnight, but sales are expected to catch up
Angolan bananas set for Europe
Exporter Novagrolider will send 200 tonnes of the fruit per week to certain European countries from October
Portugal: fresh impetus for Euro champions
The country's international footballing success is apparently being replicated in its fresh produce business
Mercadona moves into Portugal
Decision marks the Spanish retailer's first expansion into foreign territory
European chestnuts learn from China
Producers and processors of chestnuts from Europe have completed a mission to China in an attempt to become more competitive
Portuguese show puts fruit in the spotlight
Annual event will celebrate growing role of Portuguese fruit production and exports
Special Fruit embraces Zerya
The Belgian importer has announced that three of its berry producers in Spain and Portugal have gained the Zerya residue-free certification
Italian kiwifruit firms backing Dorì
A consortium set up to sell the yellow kiwifruit is aiming to supply 3,000 tonnes to markets around the world by 2018
Vale da Rosa upgrades grapes packhouse
New investments will enable the company to extend its range of packaging formats and increase efficiency
The hidden trend in Europe's apple market
EU apple stocks in March have climbed 75 per cent in the past decade, with the biggest rise coming from a surprising source
Polish apples failing to find new markets
New stock figures appear to confirm that a lack of suitable varieties is holding the country back following the Russian ban
Fairfruit invests in Portuguese packhouse
Company recently announced that it is to double its organic stonefruit acreage in Portugal by the end of the year
Vale da Rosa sets sights on Brazil
Company set to carry out its first table grape exports to the South American country in July
Politicians back Portugal Fresh
For the first time the event’s history, Portugal’s prime minister António Costa visited Fruit Logistica to show his support for the industry
Special Fruit links up with Bfruit
The Belgian importer has signed a deal with Portuguese berry organisation Bfruit to strengthen both partners’ position in Europe
Portugal puts emphasis on modernisation
Exclusive interview with agriculture minister reveals scope of country's fresh produce ambitious