Pineapple news archive – Page 101

  • Firm thumbs up for IQ tester

    Firm thumbs up for IQ tester


    Throughout October the Journal features a weekly series examining the latest developments in produce machinery. This week there has been firm praise from US avocado specialist Mission, for Sinclair iQ's fruit testing technology, while Greefa introduces its latest development in sorting, the new generation iQS II

  • Washington apple crop down on estimates

    Washington apple crop down on estimates


    Washington crop lower than initial forecast, according to top grower and exporter Stemilt.

  • Johan van Niekerk

    Unlimited potential


    Fruits Unlimited formed three years ago with the goal of providing a strong export service and give growers the chance to make healthy returns. Three years on business is booming and the company has announced an exciting new link with a Namibian farm. John Broy reports from South Africa.

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    European producers ask for emergency assistance


    Producers in Europe are calling on the European Commission and the Council of Ministers for urgent emergency aid.

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    On stony ground


    Italian peach and nectarine production is down 30 per cent on last year and, with all other European production regions also seeing a decline, supply to the market risks falling short of demand. Not surprisingly, the forecast is for high prices, but they need to be sustained throughout the season if growers and handlers are to look back on 2003 with any pleasure. Tommy Leighton reports.

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    French make good use of tide


    When the French summer fruits delegates came to London on their annual visit to meet the trade press last week I felt, above

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    Building an Empire


    Empire World Trade md Richard Lowes explains how the company has climbed highest in the Plimsoll analysis of the UK fresh produce industry

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    Tougher times for French stonefruit


    The year 2002 left the memory of one of the most difficult seasons in the last 10 years for Europe's principle stonefruit producers. The volume of the crop reached new heights with more than 4.2 million tonnes of peaches, nectarines and plums available to the market. You would have to go back to 1994 to find an equivalent level. French producers congregated with their European counterparts at last week's Europech and Philippe Gautier gauges their opinions of the UK market.

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    Greenery invests in Nectar


    Greenery Superior has invested in its stonefruit operation.

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    Sinclair strengthens global sales team


    Fruit firmness testing specialist Sinclair IQ announce a new appointment

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    Tesco and Spanish government stage strategy summit


    Spanish minister of agriculture visits Tesco and A Gomez to discuss future collaboration.

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    Soft fruit industry looks healthy


    The UK soft fruit industry looks in good shape after the supermarkets concentrated on home grown strawberries and raspberries. However, there are fears that price wars could damage the growing figures of the past 10 years.

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    UK boasts firm leader in fruit testing technology


    A new concept in fruit firmness testing technology is now being marketed to the global fresh produce industry by UK company Sinclair IQ.

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    Cold snap welcome in RSA


    Capespan's deciduous fruit producers look set to reap the rewards of a cold spell in South Africa for the second year in a row.

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    Europe looks to the skies


    European stonefruit producers may well be wondering what could fall from the sky next.

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    The Empire strikes back


    Spalding-based Empire World Trade Ltd forms new service for the UK wholesale trade.

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    Albert Fisher back on track


    After a debt-laden decade, the Albert Fisher Group is taking its first steps on the road to recovery.