Peppers news archive – Page 47

  • Avnish Malde

    A vision for success


    Wealmoor was the 2004 Re:fresh Importer of the Year and has been shortlisted in the same category in 2005. Tommy Leighton finds out what sets the company apart in its field.

  • Michael Ofran’s tiger tomatoes

    Agrexco dazzles


    With ever-present political and geographical issues to contend with, Israel’s horticulturists could be forgiven for opting out of the sector altogether. Yet, as Agrexco’s figures testify, exports continue to rise and growers across the board continue to dazzle Europe with their high quality produce and continual innovations, writes Elspeth Waters.

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    Boom time for the herb


    Fresh herbs are enjoying a boom, and there is every indication that the momentum is going to continue.

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    Parripak picks up on BBQ trend


    Prepared vegetable specialist Parripak has expanded its range to appeal to the growing trend for barbecue-style foods.

  • Warren and Matthew Prestwich examine the produce

    Boom time for the herb


    Fresh herbs are enjoying a boom, and there is every indication that the momentum is going to continue.

  • Next-day testing boost for industry

    Next-day testing boost for industry


    Scientists are offering what they describe as a “get-out-of-jail-free card” to the fresh produce industry with the launch of a next-day pesticide residue testing service.

  • Dutch salad courage

    Dutch salad courage


    The Netherlands enjoys a good reputation as a reliable supplier of high quality salads. But with ever growing competition, producers can’t afford to be complacent.

  • Hirsty work: new NFU Hort Board chairman

    Horticulture Board changes round


    East Norfolk vegetable and potato grower Richard Hirst is the new chairman of the NFU Board for Horticulture.

  • Juice loses innocence

    Juice loses innocence


    While citrus juice has long been a staple of the modern diet, the ever-increasing market for exotic juice combinations could be stealing the limelight from the faithful orange and grapefruit. In addition, with health specialists having set juice as the latest culprit in the global obesity epidemic, juice producers may have to address their marketing strategies, writes Elspeth Waters.

  • Adding a citric twist

    Adding a citric twist


    By David Shapley

  • David Keeling

    Irish pepper project comes on stream


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Leading Irish producer Keelings is preparing to harvest the first of its home-produced peppers, grown as part of an €8.2 million project.

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    Pepper producers accredited


    Dutch producers are celebrating after gaining BRC accreditation for their specialist pepper production.

  • Breaking the subsidy reliance

    Breaking the subsidy reliance


    Portugal has been increasing its fresh produce offer to the UK market for several years, but can it escape its dependance on subsidy to stand on its own two feet? Anabella de Sousa investigates.

  • The shape of things to come

    The shape of things to come


    In this week’s profile on seeds we look at the developments in tomato shapes, colours and sizes with Zeraim Gedera, the work MBM is doing on new potato varieties and how Nirit Seeds is meeting the demands of specialility markets.

  • Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"

    Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"


    Asda has taken banana prices to a new low in the launch of its Smartprice on produce and come in for trade criticism.

  • Watton in Boots with mini cues

    Watton in Boots with mini cues


    Watton Produce Company (WPC) has extended its healthy snack-pack range by introducing a 110g Ready-to-Eat Mini Cucumber Crunchies snack pot with a yoghurt and mint dip.

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    Growing taste for squash


    UK consumers are developing a taste for sweet potato and butternut squash products, according to specialist fresh and exotic ingredients supplier Beacon Foods.

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    Record low year for Belgian auction


    A leading Belgian fresh produce auction has described 2004 as the worst year in its history, as turnover tumbled 24 per cent compared with the previous year.

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    Elkind caps off pepper development


    Israeli developers are hoping to lead the way in the race to develop new peppers, one of the hottest items on the global agriculture market.

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    Sainsbury's bumper Christmas hopes


    Sainsbury’s is expecting a good Christmas when it comes to fresh produce.