Peppers news archive – Page 42

  • Stubbins nursery welcomes local kids

    Stubbins nursery welcomes local kids


    Local children paid a visit to Stubbins Marketing’s pepper nursery in Waltham Abbey last week, as part of the firm’s ongoing campaign to raise awareness among the younger generation of the benefits of locally grown British produce.

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    Israelis go top with Bio


    Israeli produce giant Agrexco has enjoyed a highly successful quarter with its Bio Top organic range.

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    Pricking the balloon of blissful consumer ignorance


    Describing texture and flavour must be one of the most difficult tasks on the planet. Scientists may have perfected this skill

  • Ug ug ug: spinach is eyepoppingly good for you

    Vegetables are good for eyesight


    New research has confirmed that eating vegetables can prevent the onset of failing vision, says professor Ian Grierson, the head of ophthalmology at the University of Liverpool.

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    New wave of stir fry heats up growing prospects


    Microwavable stir fry and its barbecued equivalent is becoming the new taste on the block, and opening up potentially a far wider market for what are already being described as oriental vegetables.

  • Feeling the heat

    Feeling the heat


    With the good weather now having broken out, Commercial Grower asked a number of leading glasshouse growers how they fared on energy during the winter, what technology they are using in terms of lighting and heating, and what they anticipate being introduced in future.

  • Keelings wins top Irish grower award

    Keelings wins top Irish grower award


    Keelings Salads has won the Bord Bia Best Grower of the Year Award, presented to the growers that best represents exceptional standards in production and handling of fresh produce.

  • Certifying the world

    Certifying the world


    With the third version of the EurepGAP certification scheme now ready for roll-out, mounting numbers of countries and retailers are beginning to implement their own initiatives benchmarked to the original standard. But does this glut of copycat schemes spell good news for the fresh produce industry? Laura Gould investigates.

  • Packaging trials

    Packaging trials


    There is increasing pressure on both growers and manufacturers of horticultural products to create packaging that is both attractive and environmentally sound. David Shapley reports.

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    IoP in surprise WI link


    The Federation of Women’s Institutes in the UK has found an unlikely ally for its stop-excess-packaging campaign in the form of trade body IoP: The Packaging Society.

  • Spanish winds wrecked farm infrastructure in Alicante

    Spanish gusts wreak havoc


    Producers are counting the cost after high winds swept across many production areas in Spain last week, affecting a wide variety of crops.

  • Time to go Dutch

    Time to go Dutch


    Despite a delayed start, Dutch salad growers feel they’re well positioned to serve the demanding UK market. Doris Lee Butterworth catches up with leading producers and exporters to talk about prospects for the coming season.

  • Down in the farm shop

    Down in the farm shop


    The public’s new-found appetite for better taste, better choice and higher nutritional value is being coupled with a desire for readily available organic food. But what does this mean for the original purveyors of fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the field, the roadside farm shop? Can the huge opportunities created by consumer demand be properly exploited, or has the tide turned too quickly for producers to take commercial advantage in this increasingly competitive market? Serena Shores reports.

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    Gazelle springs into action


    Broad-spectrum insecticide Gazelle is now available to top-fruit producers for its first full season.

  • Almeria to revamp crop management

    Almeria to revamp crop management


    The Spanish region of Almeria is to overhaul its crop management in the aftermath of its recent pesticide crisis.

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    Flanders on innovation streak


    Flemish agricultural producers have unveiled a number of innovations, including red chicory under the Flandria brand, blue potatoes, cherry plum tomatoes (Bellino) and sweet mini peppers (Zuccherina).

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    German consumers drop produce purchases


    Price hikes in Germany’s fresh produce resulted in a drop in consumer purchases in 2006, according to a report given this week at the opening ceremony of this year’s Fruit Logistica.

  • The future’s unusual

    The future’s unusual


    Consumers may be familiar with a pluot or tangelo, but how many have tried a kumato or orange cauliflower? Doris Lee Butterworth speaks to leading seed breeders and producers about their latest offerings.

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    Mid-winter dream for Oberon


    Cherry tomato growers have been given a boost with the news that the insecticide Oberon has been handed label approval for use on the crop.

  • Hazera makes Lifestyle choice

    Hazera makes Lifestyle choice


    International hybrid vegetable and field crop seed specialist Hazera Genetics has launched a new line of products aimed at satisfying consumer demand for taste, health and convenience.