Peppers news archive – Page 38

  • Hot mash cones for cold summers

    Hot mash cones for cold summers


    Mini cones of bangers and mash have been unveiled as the latest all-weather alternative to the ’99 Flake.

  • Egypt hotting up

    Egypt hotting up


    Mother Nature has been in a contrary mood over the last few months; just ask the Egyptian fruit sector. Producers there have handled extreme weather conditions, resulting in supply volatility, and marketers are forecasting a premature end to the citrus season. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading producers and importers to discuss the state of play.

  • Tough time ahead for salad importers

    Tough time ahead for salad importers


    UK salad importers should prepare for a tough couple of months, due to the continuing strengthening of the euro.

  • Cornwells keep it fresh

    Cornwells keep it fresh


    Spania Fresh Produce Limited has taken massive strides forward in the last 12 months, spurred on by its Christian Salvesen Importer of the Year award at Re:fresh 2007. Continued investment in the UK team and its branches in the Canary Islands, Spain and the Netherlands, the development of its production areas in the Canary Islands and the possible expansion of the UK site have made the last 12 months a stand-out time for the business. Anna Sbuttoni met husband-and-wife directors Steve Cornwell and Morna Blair-Cornwell.

  • The UK salad industry prays for a warm spring

    The UK salad industry prays for a warm spring


    With variable-quality salad produce coming into the UK from Spain and a cold UK spring predicted, the UK salad industry is gearing up for a tough changeover to the English crop. But with demand high and prices stabilising, there may well be a promising summer ahead for UK salads. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports.

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    The race is on in the multiple olympics


    There is no doubt that every multiple likes to be first when it comes to stocking something new, even if there are instances

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    Wilting genetic hopes


    Scientists from the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) are developing a gene that they hope will lead to new banana varieties resistant to bacterial wilt.

  • Joseph Blair

    Raising Ireland’s profile


    Joseph Blair, programme manager for the Irish Exporters Association and director of its horticultural division Horticulture Network Ireland, speaks to Doris Lee Butterworth about the opportunities for Irish fresh produce.

  • Industry relays tale of winter doom and gloom

    Industry relays tale of winter doom and gloom


    Yet another quarter of changeable weather has dropped the vegetable industry into a lull, and the outlook for the spring is gloomy. Contrary weather is having a negative effect on most crops. Elizabeth O’Keefe tries to find the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Delia is back

    Delia is back


    Retailers have seen a substantial increase in sales of prepared foods since Delia Smith’s BBC2 programme aired on Monday night.

  • Pesticide residues have fallen dramatically

    Almerian peppers back on track


    Incidence of pesticide residue exceedance in capsicum has fallen dramatically in Almería this season, as growers in the south-eastern region of Spain embrace biological control methods.

  • Innovation, innovation, innovation

    Innovation, innovation, innovation


    The Dutch fresh produce industry is one of the most innovative, and Dutch salads are no exception to the rule. But is the industry losing its edge in the UK? Elizabeth O’Keefe uncovers the secrets behind the industry’s success, and looks at the obstacles it is facing.

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    Second chance to hear Thanet Earth broadcast


    An edition of BBC Radio 4's Open Country featuring Thanet Earth, the UK’s largest-ever glasshouse development, is due to be repeated on Thursday lunchtime.

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    Spanish tackle organic fraud


    Researchers in Spain trying to tackle organic fraud have managed to use nitrogen isotopic discrimination to determine if non-organic, synthetic fertilisers were used on sweet pepper plants.

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    Reading small print could cut consumer confusion


    I must confess to never having read the small print when it comes to the descriptive minutiae of EU standards for fruit and

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    AAA hits UK scene


    AAA Growers of Kenya has seen a double-digit growth in the past 12 months in the volume of its prepared vegetable lines going to the UK.

  • Chef Eyal Shani, right, and his assistant on the ZG stand

    ZG launches next phase of A Sense of Taste


    Israeli breeding specialist Zeraim Gedera (ZG) had chef Eyal Shani on its stand during the show whipping up a range of pepper- and tomato-based dishes for passers-by, as part of its A Sense of Taste campaign.

  • Consumers keen to take further leap into the unknown

    Consumers keen to take further leap into the unknown


    While other categories may be struggling to pick up new punters, growth in exotics is far from abating, and consumer taste is, if anything, leaning towards the more adventurous, writes Laura Gould.

  • Hazera eyes up beauty trend

    Hazera eyes up beauty trend


    Beauty will be a key trend for Hazera Genetics in the future, it revealed last week.

  • Waitrose director of commerce Richard Hodgson cuts the ribbon at Lushof Community Centre as Robert Graaff (right), owner of Lushof Farm, and some farm workers look on

    Waitrose Foundation notches up 58th project


    Visitors flocked to Lushof, a stonefruit and top-fruit farm in South Africa’s Ceres Valley, last week, when Waitrose director of commerce Richard Hodgson opened a brand-new community centre on the site.