Peppers news archive – Page 27

  • To tweet or not to tweet?

    To tweet or not to tweet?


    Social media might be firmly entrenched in the daily lives of many Britons, but the fresh produce industry has been relatively slow to get involved. Chloe Ryan asks what the industry has to gain from increased online interaction

  • Almeria auction

    Mixed picture for Almeria’s exporters


    Growers in Spanish province benefiting from better prices, with notable exception of aubergines

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    New brands hit shelves as retailers look for premium


    Albert Bartlett started the ball rolling with its Purple Majesty potatoes on sale at Sainsbury’s, now backed by a glossy

  • James Manning

    Market partnership comes to fruition


    Apple grower Manning’s will next week start supplying New Spitalfields Market-based Cook’s Delight with Jonagold apples and juice, as part of a link-up facilitated by the market’s business development manager Tim Williams.

  • Israel’s winter wonders

    Israel’s winter wonders


    Growers and exporters are preparing to fill UK shelves with new season winter lines and even though concerns remain over the state of the UK economy and the exchange rate, producers are hoping the quality of their crops will win consumers over. Doris Lee Butterworth discusses prospects with leading producers

  • Mixed outlook for squash and pumpkins

    Mixed outlook for squash and pumpkins


    Pumpkin and squash producers are hoping for a repeat performance of last season, but some squash growers are reporting smaller yields this year. A number of new varieties and improvement in the autumn weather are bringing optimism. Doris Lee Butterworth reports

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    Billions of Spanish insects deployed


    Some 12 billion pest controlling insects have been released in Andalusian greenhouses since the start of August heralding the beginning of winter greenhouse cultivation in the region.

  • Chilli prices spiral

    Chilli prices spiral


    Prices for chilli peppers on UK markets have been running high as demand for the product outstrips supply.

  • Rijk Zwaan Promex's new seed nursery

    Rijk Zwaan makes Mexican investment


    Dutch seed breeder Rijk Zwaan has opened a new production facility in Mexico.

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    Tozer Seeds hosts open days


    Tozer Seeds is to host its annual open days in Lincolnshire on 13-14 October.

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    New energy levy to hit Irish producers


    Less than six months after the introduction of a carbon levy, Irish producers are to be hit by a second energy surcharge, a five per cent electricity levy taking effect next month.

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    First throes of autumn bring new varieties to store


    There are increasing signs that autumn is on the way with Marjorie’s Seedling plums now in place on the shelves

  • Spanish salads on a tightrope

    Spanish salads on a tightrope


    With price pressure from UK supermarkets at a high and unseasonably warm weather through the planting period, Spanish salad growers are having to up their game to stay ahead. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

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    Irish produce defies economy


    The Irish retail market for fresh produce is showing “great resilience”, according to Bord Bia, at a time when the recession is causing a general sales slump elsewhere in the economy.

  • Looking for that chain reaction

    Looking for that chain reaction


    The mutually beneficial relationship between the wholesale industry and street market traders is almost as old as time, but in light of the recent controversy revolving around Borough Wholesale Market’s departure from the now famous Borough Retail Market site, how important is the link between the two sides? Elizabeth O’Keefe investigates

  • Rolling with the punches

    Rolling with the punches


    It is well known that Kent has a lot to offer as a horticultural hub, with its thriving orchards, bustling distribution centre in Paddock Wood and a leading centre in UK R&D in East Malling Research (EMR). But as environmental and financial changes take hold, how will Kent remain on top? Elizabeth O’Keefe tours the area to find out

  • Tesco triple for Thanet Earth

    Tesco triple for Thanet Earth


    Thanet Earth is a triple gold award winner with the news this week that NSF CMi has confirmed its third glasshouse has won Tesco’s Nurture Gold Award.

  • Spanish growers buoyed by prices

    Spanish growers buoyed by prices


    Improved prices for growers in the Spanish region of Almeria have compensated for the weather-hit campaign which saw tomato and pepper volumes fall substantially.

  • Water fears for parched UK vegetables

    Water fears for parched UK vegetables


    Home-grown vegetables are thirsty following a sunshine-filled summer and very little rainfall in some of the major producing areas of the UK, leaving fields in need of some extra irrigation and growers fearful of what it could mean for their margins. Anna Sbuttoni reports

  • Blood pressure link to chilli peppers

    Blood pressure link to chilli peppers


    Turning up the heat on your tastebuds with chilli could have a healthy, calming effect, according to new research.