Pear news archive – Page 56

  • Northwest pears

    NW pears target Russia and India


    Pear Bureau Northwest's Jeff Correa highlights Russia and India as expanding and improving markets for the fruit

  • Article

    Doubt poured on European apple forecasts


    European apple forecasts were called into question again last week, ahead of supply getting into full swing.

  • New Zealand NZ apples Braeburn washing

    Australia-NZ apple ruling due November


    Following an appeal, the WTO’s final decision on the Australia-New Zealand apple importation dispute is due late November

  • Rubens apple square

    Brand Dossier | Rubens


    One of the more recent additions to the British apple basket, Rubens has proven to be a hit with consumers, prompting further investment in production and marketing

  • Retailers move to bag their share of new season fruit

    Retailers move to bag their share of new season fruit


    As the multiples prepare to push forward the British apple and pear season, Elizabeth O’Keefe discovers that loose is on the way out, a new wave of varietal development is heading onto shelves and pears could be on the verge of stealing some of apples’ long-held limelight

  • Article

    Barlow: a man for all seasons


    One of the best-loved characters in the UK fresh produce trade, Adrian Barlow has been effervescent on the top-fruit scene and ubiquitous in the media for more than a decade. In a rare personal interview, he tells Alex Lawson about his colourful background and the path that led him to the fresh produce trade

  • edenia

    Catalonia launches new pear brand


    Producers in Spain’s Lleida province announce launch of ‘edenia’ for denomination of origin pears

  • BFV conference pears

    China poised to import Belgian pears


    Direct shipments expected to get underway during next few weeks as government leaders rubber-stamp trade agreement in Brussels

  • Philippe Binard European Fruit Summit 2010

    EU countries working on market access


    Fresh produce industry officials from six member states revealed to be pooling their efforts towards removing barriers to trade

  • Major NZ top-fruit investment made

    Major NZ top-fruit investment made


    The New Zealand government has revealed that it is investing NZ$10.8 million (£5m) in developing new apple and pear varieties, to fast-track the breeding and commercialisation of new top-fruit products.

  • New Zealand apples

    NZ investing in topfruit development


    NZ$10.8m will be pumped into researching and developing apple and pear varieties over the next seven years

  • Chinese Fuji apples India retail packaged

    Chinese Fuji set for further price hike


    If prices of earlier apple varieties are any guide, Chinese Fuji will become more expensive this year as domestic demand barrels upwards

  • What next for the special relationship?

    What next for the special relationship?


    As one of the world’s largest producers of a wide range of fresh produce, the US is an important source of imports for the UK market. But, asks Michael Barker, will the lure of lucrative new markets mean less US fruit and veg will feature on UK shelves in future?

  • Cox volumes: down on original forecast

    Apple crops falling short of forecast


    The UK Cox apple crop will be down on forecast volumes largely because of massive variations in fruit size, while industry leaders are calling on the World Apple & Pear Association (WAPA) to revisit European crop forecasts as they fear a similar pattern is being repeated across Europe.

  • Prevar licenses new pear

    Prevar licenses new pear


    Prevar, the company established to commercialise worldwide new apple and pear cultivars developed by New Zealand-based science company Plant & Food Research, has announced it has licensed the global marketing rights for a new pear cultivar to the Associated International Group of Nurseries (AIGN).

  • Kevin Moffitt

    Northwest pear crop to fall


    New production estimates that predict a further decline in the size of this year's crop have emerged from Pear Bureau Northwest in the US.

  • A great British feast

    A great British feast


    Seasonal food, ideally sourced from local producers, has captured consumer imagination in recent years and the organisers and participants of British Food Fortnight are hoping to grow support for the UK fresh produce industry during the two-week event. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more

  • Taste and Flavour Enza

    Enza launches Taste & Flavour promotion


    Recipe series designed to promote company's collection of premium apple and pear varieties to discerning consumers

  • PremP109 Prevar pear

    Prevar licenses new pear cultivar


    Global rights for PremP109 granted to nursery network AIGN, which will develop marketing strategy and global trademark

  • Article

    French growers launch new ID


    French apple and pear growers are launching a new identity to stress the strong good agricultural practice credentials.