All Mexico articles – Page 46

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    WTO backs Ecuador in EU banana tariff battle


    Bonita Europe calls ruling a "ratification" of dollar suppliers' position but a spokesman for the European Commission says it will consider launching a further appeal against the panel's "purely formalistic approach"

  • Going to script: Waller

    Mexico project to boost Summerfruit Company offer


    The Summerfruit Company’s strategic alliance with Sunnyridge Farms has proved to be a huge asset to its business, sales director Ian Waller told FPJ.

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    Mexicans on a fruit mission


    The trade Commission of Mexico in the UK is inviting companies to join two outgoing missions to Mexico to look at fruit and organic produce.

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    New Trustees for Kew


    Timothy Hornsby and George Loudon have been appointed as Trustees to the Board of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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    Mexican grapes set to bounce back


    Mexican grape production is bouncing back this year after poor weather conditions in 2006, with increased volumes and quality.

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    Mexico showcases organic mushrooms


    Organic mushrooms from Mexico were debuted at this year’s Fruit Logistica.

  • Ronald Bown

    Chileans rocked by Mexican rejection


    The Chilean fruit industry has reacted with surprise to the rejection last week of 15 containers of fruit by Mexican authorities.

  • Way down in Mexico

    Way down in Mexico


    Mexico is the world’s fifth largest grape exporter and the country’s growers are adamant they can produce crops with unsurpassed quality and flavour. However, weather, competition and increasingly stringent demands from supermarkets are all making life difficult for producers targeting the UK this season. Emma Twyning reports.

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    MexicoGAP set to benchmark


    The Mexican fresh produce industry will soon be officially benchmarked against EurepGAP standards one year since announcing plans to begin the process.

  • Mexico Europe-bound

    Mexico Europe-bound


    Mexico is rapidly improving its position on the world grape stage and is keen to establish itself in European markets. Anthony Garvey reports.

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    Philippines exporters tackle Mexico


    An investigation into the reported use of the brand name "Manila" on Mexican mangoes has been launched by the Philippines government.

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    Mexico helps to plug the gaps


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Mexico has managed to more than double exports of avocados, grapes and grapefruit to the European market since 2002.

  • Shake on it: Gerardo Lopez Noriega of the Mexican ministry of agriculture and Nigel Garbutt, president of EurepGAP, signed an agreement that will lead to MexicoGAP being granted equivalence to EurepGAP

    MexicoGAP to join EurepGAP family


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: The Mexican ministry of agriculture and EurepGAP signed an agreement last week that will eventually lead to MexicoGAP being benchmarked to the EurepGAP, the global partnership for safe and sustainable agriculture.

  • US opens up to Mexican avo exporters

    US opens up to Mexican avo exporters


    Californian avocado growers launch strategy to challenge the increased threat from Mexican product in the US market, while the Mexicans weigh up their marketing options.

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    Mexico lowers apple tariff


    Washington apple producers are celebrating after Mexico agreed to drop steep anti-dumping tariffs on Northwest grown red and Golden Delicious apples.

  • Mexico spearheads new initiatives

    Mexico spearheads new initiatives


    Exporters are keen to strengthen their market position in an increasingly competitive sector.

  • Avo go Mexico

    Avo go Mexico


    New proposals put forward by the United States Department of Agriculture to lift importing restrictions on Mexican avocados have divided the Californian avocado sector. While many fear the increased competition, others have pointed to the possibility of pests and disease, and a return to the situation that led to the ban in the first place. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Mexican market hots up

    Mexican market hots up


    In this week’s focus on grapes the Mexican grape market hopes a smaller window of opportunity does not harm performance. Meanwhile Capespan’s procurement director Martin Dunnett takes us through the grape season and highlights the growing importance of the Egyptian market.

  • Mexico focused on EurepGAP

    Mexico focused on EurepGAP


    Mexico’s appearance at Fruit Logistica was dominated by the new EurepGAP quality standard, according to Patricia Moreno of the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture.

  • Mexico adds to avo mix

    Mexico adds to avo mix


    Serious shortages have characterised the UK avocado market this year, and as the supply window turns to Mexico, hopes are now pinned on the world's largest avocado producer to maintain volumes, quality and crucially, a stable price. Emma Hardy investigates.