Melon news archive – Page 53

  • The melon harvest is set to start in Almeria next month

    Melons suffer weather effects


    Weather conditions in Latin America and Spain are taking their toll and shaping the melon supply picture.

  • Morocco utilises strength in depth

    Morocco utilises strength in depth


    Morocco continues to diversify through a range of products as it looks to strengthen its place in the UK market. As ever citrus takes a lead role in exports, but innovative growers are working hard to create new opportunities. John Broy reports.

  • WCRF corporate development manager Harriet Chan (she is the banana) spreads the fruity message

    Cancer research - what can you do?


    The Fresh Produce Journal has teamed up with the World Cancer Research Fund to support Fruity Friday: a day (May 14 this year) dedicated to the joy and benefits of eating fruit. In this introductory article, the objectives of the WCRF are explained, along with ways your company can get involved with delivering the fruity message to the UK public.

  • Reefers make waves

    Reefers make waves


    Reefer shipping is once again making waves in the produce industry as technological advancements and increasing trade create a greater sense of buoyancy. Welcome news then for a sector that has long been warned against complacency. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel

    Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel


    The Tomaisin is the latest in a long line of new products introduced by the Volcani Centre in Israel.

  • Senegal singing a new tune

    Senegal singing a new tune


    Senegal is the 14th largest ACP provider of fresh fruit and vegetables to the European Union. This West African country bordering the North Atlantic Ocean is also the largest ACP exporter of cherry tomatoes and the second supplier of green beans and mangoes to the Union. The horticultural sector in Senegal produces a total output of about 370,000 tonnes every year. While cassava, watermelon, cowpeas, squash, tomato, gombo, diakhatou, aubergine and sesame are among the most important crops produced, 95 per cent of the country’s horticultural production is geared towards domestic consumption.

  • Article

    Syngenta innovates with new products


    Syngenta tries to keep one step ahead of consumers and their requirements.

  • Article

    Del Monte grades pineapples in clothes sizes


    Pineapples in sizes from S to XXL, "Pick 'n' Mix" salads and "fruit for free" are just some of the marketing innovations Del Monte launched at Fruit Logistica.

  • Dr Wilhelm Ellinger

    The 33 billion euro industry


    The EU produced 79 million tonnes of fruit and veg in 2003.

  • Ivory Coast: pineapples with a difference

    Ivory Coast: pineapples with a difference


    Ivory Coast exporters rate Fruit Logistica top of the pile.

  • Greefa's Monique Doornebal with the MSE-MXL melon sorting machine

    Greefa provides melon solution


    Dutch machinery manufacturer Greefa has unveiled a new MSE-MXL sorting machine aiming to meet the requirements of melon growers.

  • A fresh-cut above

    A fresh-cut above


    The fresh-cut fruit sector is ripe for further growth as healthy eating messages, enhanced technology and better flavour drive consumption forward. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Sakata holds the key

    Sakata holds the key


    In the final seed focus, the Journal speaks to two companies that are busy trialing new products. Sakata UK takes us through a range of broccoli, cauliflower and spinach innovations, while Israeli seed specialist Zeraim Gedera reveals that a range of mid 1990s breeding programmes is now bearing fruit.

  • StePac Xtends itself

    StePac Xtends itself


    The Journal introduced StePac to its readers last year. The company’s president Israel Ben-Tzur tells Tommy Leighton that a customer-driven development strategy continues to pay rich dividends for the post harvest solutions provider.

  • Article

    New squash seeds unveiled by T&M


    Thompson and Morgan has unveiled a new winter squash seed - Jaspée de Vendée.

  • Tozer Seeds aims for market satisfaction

    Tozer Seeds aims for market satisfaction


    The Journal will focus on seeds throughout the remainder of January. This week Tozer Seeds reveals its efforts to develop specialist programmes aimed at meeting the needs of growers and supermarkets. While Thompson and Morgan introduces its sweet raw winter squash.

  • Brazil's melon exporters having a tricky time this season

    Tough going for Brazil


    The Brazilian melon season is proving a tough one for exporters this season.

  • Tesco overhauled its organic  packaging design

    The year in stories - January to March


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each of the first three months of 2003? Click here to find out.

  • Emilio Teresa, 24 per cent shareholding in NewCo

    Geest explains EVS-Thames Fruit link for Asda


    Geest outlines the nuts and bolts behind the proposed merger of EVS and Thames Fruit to supply the vast majority of Asda's fresh produce.

  • Article

    New label to indicate ripeness of fruit


    New Zealand's Rural News has reported the launch of a new label that indicates how ripe a piece of fruit is.