Melon news archive – Page 51

  • Article

    Italian drought hitting hard


    Production in northern Italy is suffering under drought conditions which are having a particularly serious effect on fruit crops.

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    Morrisons nurtures its waterbabies


    Morrisons is introducing Solinda watermelons in its UK stores this week.

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    Zeraim invests in biotech company


    Seed breeder Zeraim Gedera has invested $150,000 in biotech company Evogene, as it aims to develop non-transgenic new hybrid varieties of vegetables, notably tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums and melons.

  • Curved labels for curved products

    Curved labels for curved products


    A labelling supplier has launched a new range of products especially designed for curved fruit, including melons, bananas and apples.

  • Italian melon season extended

    Italian melon season extended


    Italian producer Francescon has extended its melon season to sell fruit from April through to October.

  • Stone-fruit recovery

    Stone-fruit recovery


    As reported on page 1 of last week’s Journal, the European peach and nectarine season is running around two weeks behind schedule this year.

  • Melons fill natural window

    Melons fill natural window


    Over half of all the melons eaten in the UK come from Spain and of that volume the region of Almería fills a very important niche, taking up the baton from Latin American sources in April before handing over to near-neighbour Murcia at the end of June.

  • Best of the rest

    Best of the rest


    Foods from Spain’s promotional campaign in the UK focuses on the products and regions that are covered earlier in this supplement. But there is much more besides and here is a round-up of the best of the rest.

  • Promoting a nation

    Promoting a nation


    Foods from Spain launched a £6 million promotional programme in February, which brings its existing campaigns together under one banner.

  • Abdul Rahman Raouf

    Egypt jostles for leading position


    Expansion is a priority for leading Egyptian producers and many are firing on all cylinders to stay at the top. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more.

  • Article

    Growers switch to melons


    The cold temperatures in Almería in south-eastern Spain earlier this spring have led a lot of growers to switch out of production of salad lines under the protective structures earlier than usual and into planting melons.

  • Melon supplies weather the storms

    Melon supplies weather the storms


    The melon market is likely to face some difficult times over the next few weeks as major sources deal with different weather issues.

  • Article

    Brighton tops the tables on fruit and veg consumption


    Residents of Brighton are the healthiest eaters in Britain according to a new study.

  • Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"

    Asda's Smartprice "lunacy"


    Asda has taken banana prices to a new low in the launch of its Smartprice on produce and come in for trade criticism.

  • Rising to the cauli challenge

    Rising to the cauli challenge


    In this week’s focus on seeds, Clause Tezier talks about the challenges of cauliflower production, Nunhems talks emotions and Defra gives a welcome boost to organic seed growers.

  • Article

    Fruit donations for schools


    Youngsters in Oswestry have been tucking into some healthy treats, thanks to a local fruit and veg supplier’s donations.

  • Mandar revamps its herb offer

    Mandar revamps its herb offer


    Rungis wholesale group Mandar is revamping some of its well known product range, mostly its fresh herbs offer.

  • Locusts invade southern Israel

    Locusts invade southern Israel


    Swarms of red locusts swept into southern Israel over the weekend and have already caused extensive damage in areas noted for fresh produce.

  • Dr Monaghan

    Nitrate research breakthrough


    The UK salad industry may yet be able to influence the thinking of other European producers over the acceptability of nitrates as part of production.

  • Amos Orr: UK office living up to its true potential

    Agrexco on top form


    As reported in last week’s Journal, Agrexco’s UK office has just completed its most successful year ever, increasing turnover by 25 per cent to £97 million. Tommy Leighton visited Carmel House and the port of Marseille to find out some of the reasons behind a rare success story in a tough 2004 marketplace, and look forward to more of the same in the next 12 months.