Melon news archive – Page 50

  • Article

    Sticking up for safe produce


    In this month’s insight into the Produce Marketing Association, the US trade body for fruit and vegetables, the industry voice is heard as consumer media picks up on an inaccurate scientific study.

  • Photo courtesy of NOAA.

    Warming to change


    Climate change, the greenhouse effect and extreme weather may all have seemed pie in the sky a few years ago, but they are happening now and are here to stay. Kathy Hammond finds out about the implications for fresh produce supply in the years to come.

  • Melon guide unity in US

    Melon guide unity in US


    Trade associations in the US have come together to issue food safety guidelines for melons.

  • Morocco back on form

    Morocco back on form


    Moroccan citrus has been suffering, with climatic conditions affecting citrus early this year. But the latest reports show some of the most successful export figures in the last five years - across nearly all fresh produce sectors. Emma Twyning talks to both importers and exporters of Moroccan produce to find out why things are looking up.

  • A place in the sun

    A place in the sun


    Almería is the hottest province in Andalucia and has an average of more than 3,000 hours of sunshine each year. Its climate and conditions make it one of the most important agricultural sources in the world, supplying Europe with salads throughout the winter months. Emma Twyning meets some of the growers who are looking to further establish themselves in the UK with a new quality guarantee.

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    Simplified systems clarification


    The Simplified Procedure Value (SPV) system for calculating import duty payments will change in the near future, as we have

  • Israel shrugs off shake-up

    Israel shrugs off shake-up


    Israel’s horticultural sector has experienced something of an upheaval during the past year, with the arrival of a new exporting player onto the scene. However, despite certain shifts in management and grower allegiances, those involved seem to be taking it all in their stride, and hopes are high for a productive winter. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Agrexco's shipments are being diverted from Marseilles to ports in Italy and Spain

    Marseilles strike hits perishable traffic


    A strike by workers at the port of Marseilles, which has entered its 11th day, is seriously disrupting the import traffic of fruit and vegetables through the French Mediterranean gateway.

  • Melons face pest challenge

    Melons face pest challenge


    Brazilian melons are starting their season with some growers facing challenges from pests.

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    Clarity needed for SPV replacement


    It is still unclear as to which countries will be asked to report prices for the SPV replacement system, which is due to be

  • Spray boosts melon nutrition

    Spray boosts melon nutrition


    US scientists have discovered a new way to make Cantaloupe and Honeydew melons more nutritious.

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    Frupac-ing it in


    In less than a year since it opened its doors, Frupac’s distribution depot at Yaxley is already completing a further major expansion for forthcoming additional tenants, David Shapley went to take a look.

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    Spanish take a stand


    Melon growers in Spain’s leading production area of Castilla-La Mancha are taking a stand against low prices.

  • Frupac-ing it in

    Frupac-ing it in


    In less than a year since it opened its doors, Frupac’s distribution depot at Yaxley is already completing a further major expansion for forthcoming additional tenants, David Shapley went to take a look.

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    Aldi looks to reposition


    Discount chain Aldi is repositioning its brand to make it more mid-market and bringing fresh produce to the fore with a £6 million above-the-line ad campaign in the UK.

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    Snack attack


    Recent soaring summer temperatures seem to have had a remarkable effect on fruit and vegetables as far as snacking products

  • Tesco launches yellow fleshed watermelon

    Tesco launches yellow fleshed watermelon


    Tesco is claiming a first with the launch of a watermelon with bright yellow flesh instead of red.

  • Teresa to leave role as IPL md

    Teresa to leave role as IPL md


    Emilio Teresa, managing director of International Produce Ltd (IPL), is to leave the company to pursue other business interests.

  • Melons weather volatile climate

    Melons weather volatile climate


    Mother Nature has disrupted the Spanish season but other producers are hoping they’ll stay on track. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Italian drought hitting hard


    Production in northern Italy is suffering under drought conditions which are having a particularly serious effect on fruit crops.