Melon news archive – Page 48

  • Isreal capitalises on health boom

    Isreal capitalises on health boom


    The israeli fresh produce industry is hoping to capitalise on the increasing trend for “functional foods” with the development of several new fruit and vegetable varieties.

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    Colourful hopes for the New Year


    As is the custom with trade publications these days, the FPJ shuts up shop over Christmas, so this will be my last column of

  • Fyffes de-merger gains approval

    Fyffes de-merger gains approval


    The proposed de-merger of fresh produce giant Fyffes was approved by shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting in Dublin this week (Tuesday).

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    We’ve moved on a bit since the stone age - apparently


    It seems as long ago as the Stone Age when independent greengrocers used to sell potatoes - with the exception of Jersey Royal

  • A break from tradition

    A break from tradition


    Moroccan fresh produce exporters are gunning for growth this season, particularly in some of their emerging product areas. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out what’s in store.

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    US firm resumes distribution after scare


    Krisp-Pak Co, the Norfolk, US, firm that was forced to recall all cut melon and grapes from the market late last week, resumed cutting and distributing fruit on Wednesday.

  • Israel’s opulence

    Israel’s opulence


    From sweet potatoes to avocados, figs, Medjoul dates, mango and pitahaya, leading Israeli exporter Agrexco is sending a vibrant array of products to the UK this winter. Anna Sbuttoni reports from Israel.

  • Spania Fresh stays in focus

    Spania Fresh stays in focus


    The Canary Islands has not had an easy time of late. But one company that is determined to show its commitment is Spania Fresh Canarias SL. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Spain’s salad hopes

    Spain’s salad hopes


    As the first supplies of Spanish salads trickle through to the UK, growers are generally optimistic about the impending season. However, with last year’s cold temperatures still on the minds of many, overcoming the changeable weather is the sector’s major challenge. Emma Twyning reports.

  • Fyffes announces surprise de-merger

    Fyffes announces surprise de-merger


    Fyffes has announced it plans to de-merge its general produce and distribution business into a new business separate from its banana, pineapple and melon operation.

  • Real concern underpins Brazilian plans

    Real concern underpins Brazilian plans


    Brazil is famous for its juicy melons, but a strong Brazilian currency has led to repercussions for the industry. Doris Lee Butterworth spoke to leading producers and UK importers to find out what’s in store for the 2006/07 campaign.

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    Cantaloupes linked to food poisoning


    Cantaloupe melons have been identified as a common cause of food poisoning.

  • Spanish growers lament poor season

    Spanish growers lament poor season


    The 2005-06 season has closed leaving growers in the Spanish production region of Almeria licking their wounds as production rose and prices fell.

  • Watermelons square up at Tesco

    Watermelons square up at Tesco


    Square watermelons are set to hit Tesco stores across the UK in October.

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    Low prices fail to boost demand


    The 2005-06 season has closed leaving growers in the Spanish production region of Almeria licking their wounds as production rose and prices fell.

  • Melon market crisis

    Melon market crisis


    UK importers are reporting a crisis in the melon market as soaring temperatures surprisingly fail to boost consumption.

  • Size matters in melon world

    Size matters in melon world


    The introduction of smaller-sized, seedless watermelons is lending a different dimension to offerings available in the UK. Doris Lee Butterworth speaks to leading producers and importers about their plans for the season

  • Dover success down to cranes

    Dover success down to cranes


    New cranes at Dover Cargo Terminal have been instrumental in getting the port new business.

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    Stonefruit sensations for all occasions


    I get the impression from reports on European stonefruit harvesting that it has been a bit of a bumpy ride so far this season,

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    Burma looks to expand fruit exports


    Commercial authorities in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are urging farmers to expand exotic fruit exports to boost foreign exchange earnings.