Mango news archive – Page 72

  • Article

    Thai fruit production falls


    Fruit production in Thailand is forecast to decline by 10 per cent this year due to dry conditions.

  • Nigel West

    Utopia scoops Peruvian accolade


    Frutopia, a Peruvian mango producer owned by Spalding-based Utopia, has been named as the highest quality mango operator in the South American country.

  • Argentina seeks gains in key market

    Argentina seeks gains in key market


    Exporters are raising their game and are hoping the UK market will bring them rich rewards.

  • Westfalia takes to the stand

    Westfalia takes to the stand


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Avocado and mango specialist Westfalia UK were exhibiting at Fruit Logistica for the first time and marketing manager Simon Curry said it had been a good result.

  • JO Sims will now source a wide range of freeze dried indigenous tropical fruits including uchuva

    JO Sims expands into exotics


    JO Sims moves into the exotics arena.

  • Fibreless variety Keitt is gaining in popularity in the UK

    Mango market depression


    At the changeover in seasons, Tommy Atkins prices are under pressure as UK mango tastes mature.

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    New markets for Australian mangoes


    Mango growers in Western Australia and the Northern Territory are celebrating after securing new markets in Europe.

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    Industry supports victims


    Fresh produce supplies from Asia into the UK are unlikely to be interrupted by the devastating effects of the tsunami and its aftermath across southern and south-east Asia.

  • The Smart sulphur alternative

    The Smart sulphur alternative


    Final decisions may not yet have been made on the future of the sulphur pad in grape distribution, but the UK market is preparing itself for the possibility that an outright ban could be implemented. According to Andrew Knight, ceo of Longlife Solutions, the diminishing use of sulphur pads is the most dramatic change occurring in grape packaging. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Joint effort bears fruit

    Joint effort bears fruit


    A collaborative project between Embrapa and Hamburg Süd has successfully tested the shipment of table grapes without the use of sulphur dioxide pads, reports Anabella de Sousa.

  • Ivory the ACP engine room

    Ivory the ACP engine room


    Despite political troubles in the Côte d’Ivoire, as the Ivory Coast is now officially known, the country remains the largest ACP exporter of fresh produce to the European Union.

  • Are you assured?

    Are you assured?


    As fruit and vegetables play an increasingly high profile role in today’s diets, it is incumbent on the industry to ensure its products are safe and of high quality when they reach the final consumer. Anabella de Sousa and Elspeth Waters review quality assurance programmes in Europe, Africa, Chile and the UK and the impact they are having across the sector.

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    Philippines gears up for mango


    The Department of Agriculture in the Philippines is hoping to increase mango exports by 20 percent to $52.8 million next year.

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    Research required to protect taste


    In a freshinfo poll, 56 per cent of respondents said the fresh produce sector should be looking to extend the shelf-life wherever possible, but scientists warn that research is required to ensure this does not come at the expense of taste.

  • Prepare for convenience

    Prepare for convenience


    The fresh produce market has seen big changes over the past few years, mirroring consumer changes in lifestyle with the increased need for convenience, writes Anabella de Sousa, enhancing the growth in the prepared produce sector.

  • Cancer prevention doubts

    Cancer prevention doubts


    UK fresh produce bosses have hit back at a US study which casts doubt on 5-a-day cancer-prevention claims, saying it will simply cause further confusion for consumers.

  • Fairtrade mango-growers

    Fairtrade looks to caterers


    The Fairtrade Foundation is embarking on a three-year push to encourage the out-of-home sector to offer more products with the Fairtrade marque.

  • Guilty mangoes

    Asda fined over healthy eating claim


    Asda has been fined £5,000 after pleading guilty to an offence involving health claims on mango labelling in-store.

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    First sea-freight for Max pineapples


    Ghanaian Fairtrade pineapples from Bomarts Farms were due to arrive by sea into Europe for the first time this week.

  • Chris Abram

    Trade must stand up for itself


    “My belief is that we’ve got to grow up as an industry, we can’t rely on the retailers to do our selling for us,” says Chris Abram, fruit category manager with Minor Weir and Willis.