Mango news archive – Page 70

  • Article

    Burma looks to expand fruit exports


    Commercial authorities in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are urging farmers to expand exotic fruit exports to boost foreign exchange earnings.

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    Del Monte gets smoother


    Del Monte is set to add two new Smoothie products to its popular healthy ices range.

  • SA avos ticking over

    SA avos ticking over


    The South African avocado industry has settled into a comfortable state, where volumes are ticking over and customer relations are strong. It can boast some of the latest developments in R&D and continues to plough ahead in Fairtrade and biological methods. But will this be enough to sustain it longterm? Elspeth Waters visited the main growing region to find out.

  • Jaco Marais

    SA mangoes on downward spiral


    South africa’s mango exports have plummeted dramatically in the past five years, according to Jaco Marais, managing director of Katopé Subtropical RSA.

  • JO Sims breaks into bakery

    JO Sims breaks into bakery


    The increasing demand for fruit ingredients in the baked goods sector has lead to significant outlay by the UK’s leading fruit ingredient supplier, JO Sims.

  • Food for life

    Food for life


    The baby-food market offers rich opportunities for suppliers of both conventional and organic fresh produce. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to producers and manufacturers about their attempts to satisfy high consumer expectations

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    Scottish nursery schools given fruit encouragement


    A campaign to encourage primary school children in Scotland to eat fruit is set to be extended to thousands of nursery children.

  • Juice squeezes to top

    Juice squeezes to top


    Juice and smoothie producers are making the most of the opportunities available for their products as consumers become increasingly health-oriented in their drinks choices. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Juicing the way to 5 A DAY


    Sales of fruit juices and smoothies are rising as people opt for a quicker way to get 5 A DAY.

  • Retail fanfare for Fairtrade Fortnight

    Retail fanfare for Fairtrade Fortnight


    Fairtrade Fortnight kicked off this week with the major retailers pledging further commitment to the cause and undertaking significant in-store activity.

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    Alco-pops get fruity


    Bottled alcoholic fresh fruit juices are set to hit the UK this year.

  • The 5 A Day campaign is working as consumers choose more fruit and veg.

    UK dumps the junk


    Sales of junk food and drinks are falling as UK consumers choose healthier options.

  • Fairtrade fair world

    Fairtrade fair world


    Demand for Fairtrade products is at an all-time high but many supporters believe more can still be achieved. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Tesco sees produce as key to keeping top spot


    Tesco’s produce category director, Peter Durose, is responsible for ensuring the UK’s number one retailer maintains its position on produce. He talks to Ed Bedington about the retailer and how he sees its position within the industry

  • Produced in Taiwan

    Produced in Taiwan


    Taiwan may have been famed for its cheap and cheerful consumer goods, but now the country is hoping to achieve wider recognition for its high quality fruit and vegetable production as it looks to rebuild in the wake of a major natural disaster. Ed Bedington reports from Taiwan.

  • Growing the taste for exotics

    Growing the taste for exotics


    When is an exotic not an exotic? In the first of our series of profiles on the category Elspeth Waters asks the industry how the concept of exotics is changing as consumers become more accepting of foreign fare

  • Article

    Australian industry to rationalise


    The number of Australian fresh produce exporters will reduce from 4,300 to around 900 by 2015, an industry leader said this week.

  • A sea change for shipping

    A sea change for shipping


    Transporting produce by sea is an integral part of the supply chain, particularly during winter months at the height of overseas procurement. Emma Twyning talks some key industry members who indicate that thanks to new technology, the sector is offering an increasingly efficient mode of transport - especially in Europe.

  • Israel shrugs off shake-up

    Israel shrugs off shake-up


    Israel’s horticultural sector has experienced something of an upheaval during the past year, with the arrival of a new exporting player onto the scene. However, despite certain shifts in management and grower allegiances, those involved seem to be taking it all in their stride, and hopes are high for a productive winter. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • ACP exporters go online

    ACP exporters go online


    A new online directory of tropical fruit and vegetable exporters has been launched by COLEACP/PIP...