All articles by Laura Gould – Page 77

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    Flooding aids polytunnel cause


    The floods seen across the UK in June and July have served as the best possible PR campaign for the polytunnel debate, NFU West Midlands horticultural chairman Anthony Snell told visitors to the NFU tent at Fruit Focus last week.

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    Brassicas linked to fighting cancer


    Eating broccoli or cauliflower at least once a week can dramatically reduce a man’s chances of developing the most dangerous form of prostate cancer, new research has shown.

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    US develops low-sugar watermelon


    US department of agriculture plant breeders have developed a low-sugar watermelon.

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    Web revamp for Morrisons


    Morrisons has revamped its website as part of a brand and TV advertising campaign.

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    NZ to stage inaugural organic conference


    New Zealand’s inaugural Organic Sector Conference is set to investigate whether there will be a “cottage or corporate” future for the country’s NZ$200 million (£78m) organic sector.

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    Lord Rooker visits flood devastation


    Food and farming minister Lord Rooker embarked on a tour of flood-hit Worcestershire and Gloucestershire last Friday, organised by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU).

  • Waitrose squares up to Whole Foods

    Waitrose squares up to Whole Foods


    Whole Foods Market is under investigation by trading standards officials after Waitrose lodged a complaint against the US organic retailer.

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    Brits favour traditional fruits


    Only one in five Brits have ever tasted mango, with most favouring traditional apples and oranges to tropical fruits, a new study has found.

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    Morocco makes Berlin grade


    Morocco has been chosen as the partner country for Fruit Logistica 2008.

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    Total Produce makes foray into health sector


    Total Produce has acquired 92 per cent of health foods distributor Wholefoods Wholesale.

  • Angus Davison, left, with Nick Marston

    KG trials to yield fruit


    Next season more than half the British strawberries and raspberries grown by KG Growers, now part of the international Berry Gardens group launched this year, will be proprietary varieties specially tailored to meet specific consumer tastes.

  • Morrisons faces financial penalty

    Morrisons faces financial penalty


    A £6,300 fine has been slapped on supermarket Morrisons for selling out-of-date yoghurts, paté and watercress at its Halifax store.

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    Gras ups annual campaign


    Asparagus growers and packers met at The Farmers’ Club in Whitehall last week to hear Pam Lloyd Associates and Pendle PR report on this year’s national campaign.

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    Kids lap up foodie festival


    Jaffa citrus and Foods from Spain were promoting fresh fruit and vegetables at the first ever Children's Food Festival at Abingdon airfield on July 14-15.

  • Ee by Galia at Asda

    Ee by Galia at Asda


    International produce has successfully harvested its first locally produced glasshouse production Galia melons, aimed at supplying Asda for Yorkshire Day on August 1.

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    Tesco signs up organic box scheme


    Shropshires Organic Selection is the first farm-brand vegetable box scheme to be made available through a national retailer.

  • Shaping up on cards at Sheerness

    Shaping up on cards at Sheerness


    Plans to change the way the Fresh Fruit Terminals (Sheerness) Ltd (FFTS) joint venture at the Port of Sheerness operates are set to benefit fresh produce importers into the UK.

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    Soft-fruit industry praised for handling of retail


    The berry industry has been praised for its relationship with its retail customers by economist Dr Andrew Fearne of the Kent Business School.

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    Israel and EU in trade talks


    Negotiations are underway between the EU and Israel on the improvement of trade terms regarding agricultural product and food exports from the latter country.

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    Fairtrade launches grapefruit line


    Fairtrade fruit pioneer AgroFair has announced that what is believed to be the world’s first Fairtrade grapefruit will be available in selected Co-op stores by the end of July.