All articles by Laura Gould – Page 50

  • West Country chartered surveyors at Colliers take up the Eat in Colour challenge

    No taking the biscuit with EiC


    With UK business estimated to be losing 175 million sick days every year, Eat in Colour (EiC) has called on the country’s workforce and their bosses to take “The Bowl Not Biscuit Challenge”.

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    Phase two of Low Emission Zone imminent


    With six weeks to go until the introduction of the second phase of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ), Transport for London (TfL) is urging lorry, bus and coach operators who drive within the capital to take action now to ensure they are ready.

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    M&S ranks last in recycling research


    Marks & Spencer has ranked last in a league of retailers for the amount of recyclable packaging it uses.

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    Spain adds voice to fuel protests


    A potential blockade of ports in Spain is on the cards, as Spanish fishermen add their voices to the European-wide protests about rising fuel prices.

  • Consumers can taste Thai produce from June 2-9

    Taste of Thailand at Tesco


    UK shoppers will be able to sample exotic fresh produce from Thailand this month, as a series of tasting events is launched in Tesco stores.

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    French fishing strike hampers UK shipments


    Truckloads of fresh produce destined for the UK were stranded on the continent this week, as fishing crews from Calais, Dunkirk, Dieppe, Boulogne and Cherbourg blockaded ports and fuel depots in protest at fuel prices and fishing quotas.

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    Biofuels target must be kept, warns NFU


    The NFU has expressed disappointment at a proposal that could see the EU’s target for a ten per cent inclusion rate for biofuel in road transport fuels by 2020 scrapped.

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    AgroFair reveals 60 per cent boost in turnover


    Pioneering and specialist Fairtrade fruit company AgroFair UK has announced an annual turnover of £7.3 million, with year-on-year growth figures of 60 per cent to December 2007.

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    JR Simplot founder dies, aged 99


    John Richard “Jack” Simplot, founder of the JR Simplot Company, died peacefully in his home in Boise, Idaho on Sunday May 25, at the age of 99.

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    Soil Association proposals branded "disproportionate"


    Pro-aviation coalition FlyingMatters and the Kenya High Commission have issued a joint response to the Soil Association’s proposals to introduce tougher standards on airfreight, slamming them as “unjustified and disproportionate”.

  • An image from the campaign

    Spar shoppers to get Sorted out


    June will see the launch of Sorted, convenience retail chain Spar’s biggest-ever sales building advertising campaign.

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    East End metric martyr to stand trial


    A “metric martyr” market trader stands accused of selling produce in pounds rather than kilos, after her appeal to have the case thrown out was denied.

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    Think tank slams "carbon hypocrisy" of retailers


    A leading think tank has thrown its views on the airfreight debate into the ring, urging supermarkets to stop being “carbon hypocrites” when it comes to their ethical policies.

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    Conference to examine new crop opportunities


    A one-day conference to be held in London next month is seeking to raise the profile of new food crop opportunities, and establish ways to maximise sustainable production of quality food in the UK.

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    Tesco boardroom salaries rise


    Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy took home £5.472 million in cash and shares last year, on top of his basic salary of £1.3m and other perks worth £95,000.

  • Apple juice emerges as a weapon to prevent atherosclerosis

    Fruit juice better for the heart


    Drinking the juice of apples and grapes has been proven to have a greater impact in preventing atherosclerosis than eating the fruit itself, according to a group of French researchers.

  • Could British growers seek new shores in New Zealand?

    NZ pegged as land of plenty


    Business specialists and emigration experts are advising that New Zealand is set to be a land of opportunity for beleaguered British farmers.

  • The potato salad recipe

    Vale's Fresh dices it up for summer


    UK prepared potato specialist Vale’s Fresh is promoting its diced potatoes as ideal ingredients for summer salads and side dishes.

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    Warwick HRI pulls out stops for Isafruit


    Raising the profile of the Isafruit project is a key concern for Warwick HRI, a department of the University of Warwick.

  • The Mini Sirius multihead weigher

    Mini Sirius multihead weigher launches


    Specialist weighing machine manufacturer DWS Worcester Ltd has launched a new combination multihead weigher, Mini Sirius, especially for the convenience food market.